Everything posted by Preload
Chain Noise
Get a hold of the chain in the middle of the rear sprocket and if you can pull it off the sprocket its knackered, as for the noise I'm not familiar with R1's but generally there is a rubber chain guide that fits over the swingarm pivot area where the chain runs and these can wear through and damage to the swingarm & chain. If you think a chain is expensive if it snaps and cracks the engine cases you'll think differently.
Maxim 750 wheel bearings???
6303Z x1 / 6203RS x 2 These sizes should be readily available. These are for the XJ750J Maxim 1982
Wich model it is this motorbike?
. Warty Vulva what sort of girls do you know?
Wich model it is this motorbike?
The engine and tank looks like a VX1400 Suzuki Intruder nice tidy bike that.
What Size Steering Head Bearings?
What happens when you fit Tapers, they are thicker compared to standard cup bearings say they are 10mm thicker overall for both top and bottom. So the top is 5mm higher than standard so when you refit the forks which on early bikes the fork top was fairly level with the top yoke you are effectively dropping the front end 5mm ie quickening the steering and in some cases on RD's makes them very nervous indeed. On a different point there is 10mm less steering stem thread to tighten the front end correctly which could be nasty. The note about being smoother is true however on small light weight bikes it hardly noticeable IMO.
What Size Steering Head Bearings?
I thought they would be. Most people like the handling after fitting Tapers but it generally because they alter the trail angle so the bike steers quicker. I fit them too heavy bikes as they improve low speed handling no end.
Where to get some USB power for my XJ6 Diversion?
That Bike USB connector is the business I'll have to get one of those.
What Size Steering Head Bearings?
Hi Drewpy, do the taper races fit in exactly same as generally I find they are thicker than standard Yamaha bearings?
What Size Steering Head Bearings?
If they are ball bearings they are about 6mm or 1/4" any bearing supplier should help. Check the races as they are generally worn and pitted.
need to disable a moped. Ideas
Just remove the CDI or put a duff fuse in it.
Steering key
It is possible but I personally wont post how to get past bike security on the internet.
bike out of winter storage wont start
It sounds like a kill switch problem also have you a sidestand switch on this model both of these will effect the ign if its the coils. One thing to check is the motor earthing mounts these can give trouble on older bikes.
lithuim ion battery advice
Cynic is on the money, you're pulling more power than the charging system can make and will kill your reg/rec if you dont watch it or worse.
Latest Disaster
I use a combination of both. If in a hurry the Hydraulic Oiler, if restoring a bike several weeks hanging up and I use engine oil and have for years.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Do what Nev said get an old motor.
Look what I found!
Chintz so its not a good thing then! lol.
Look what I found!
Chince what's that?
Look what I found!
You mean you Hoped perv.
xvs 650 wheel offsets ??!!??
You maybe able to get brass as for anodizing it doesn't take much for it to come off as its only microns thick.
Look what I found!
That's a table cloth, there not all plastic you know.
Searching for electro or kick starter.
If you cant get it fixed in Latvia I would see if there's one on eBay as converting to a kicker could cost a bit.
Look what I found!
I was having a sort and come across my old manual from the seventies. I havnt a clue why the last one is upside down! Also this CB250/400N mine was the 400
Searching for electro or kick starter.
Cant you get it fixed? I'm assuming the winding is faulty?
GP 500 Documentary (Must See)
Yes it is and set.
Sat Nav recommendations?
I have used my Phone aboard (europe) and I didnt get any roaming charges maybe its the package I have! It also has voice re-routing and found it good enough. As for options like Lane Assistance I dont use as I class that as my job. I can see why you want a dedicated system the same reason I have purchased them but, its worth considering your mobile as a back up. On a unit to purchase consider a Garmin as you can get Life Time map updates option.