Everything posted by yamman06
Hello everyone
Hello rocks mate & get some pics of your rides up
Bush & Rice
He is thick he's a politition now i'm thick i don no how to spell politition
The truth at last
TRX farewell tour
Ha ha ha ha My old man's in the triumph owners club & he's an old fart at 68 & he rides an sprint st
new to the club
Yes i'm in west lancs mate it's a big bloody county though Theres quite a few lancs lads on here
- new to the club
CAT C bike
Whew lucky man not handing any cash over , if it's defo a cat c don't worry about the court shit he hasn't a leg to stand on . It's not called rip off bay for nothin eh I won a Triumph Sprint ST 01/02 for £1300 , it's only when i rang my insurance for a quote i found out it was cat c . So i told him to shove it up his arse And reported him to ebay for being a lying little
CAT C bike
Hello there & welcome mate You could be lookin 50% wiped off the value mate Was it advertised as a cat c cos if it wasn't get yer money back you've been had , i nearly got caught out on ebay same thing cat c bike could'nt get insurance without an engieers report . So if you have not got one with the bike your insurance comp might want you to get one . More money
Yamaha RS100 (1981)
You can't have a bike & not get yer hands dirty It's part of havin one
just joined in
Hello mate & Where about are you ?
- Nice Shag
Nice Shag
Just for you Drewpy Shag tobacco Shag is fine-cut tobacco for handrolling cigarettes that is cut into strips with a width of up to 1.2 millimetres and a length that varies from a few millimetres to several centimetres. Shag cigarettes, or roll ups, usually have no filter, unlike regular pre-manufactured cigarettes. Shag is especially popular in The Netherlands and Belgium, but can also be found in countries such as The United Kingdom, Ireland and The United States. However, in countries where English is the native language, it is never referred to as such, because of the verb to shag, which is British slang for to fuck. The word shag is often regared as a typically Dutch name for regular tobacco. Popularity in The Netherlands and Belgium Shag became very popular in The Netherlands and Belgium in the 1960s and 1970s, because being able to make their own cigarettes, instead of having to smoke cigarettes with a predefined weight, taste and size, gave most people an extra sense of freedom. It is now very popular among lower class individuals. Recently, its popularity has increased because roll ups are cheaper than factory cigarettes, although both have become more expensive in the last few years, mainly due to an increasingly heavy anti-smoking sentiment. How to make shag cigarettes Shag can be smoked by wrapping it in rolling papers. Learning how to do this properly usually takes a couple of days. Different kinds of shag There are several kinds of shag. The most common kinds are heavy and half heavy. Other kinds are mild and three-quarter heavy. Shag cigarettes, even the mild ones, are often heavier than factory cigarettes. Heavy shag is the most natural kind of shag, since no chemicals are added to it to change the flavour or the heaviness. Brands of shag Brandaris Drum Javaanse Jongens Samson Van Nelle Bali Shag Taribi shag Unic shag Judo shag Ducal shag
new here but old biker
Hello stevie & mate . Love it up in Scotland when i can get there
- Nice Shag
yet another bikefreak enters ;)
Hi mate sounds like you've had fun over the years
- Saying hello
Bush & Rice
Found this funny vid http://s122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/ya..._s_on_First.flv
Just Joined
Hello how you doin mate
- newbie
the afterlife
Flyin' High!
Tell you what you give it a go i'd sh1t my pants
- nailed
Clock on '05 R6
Robbie answered this one mate ! Press both buttons on the console to select the clock. Then press and hold both of these buttons until the time flashes. Select switches between Hours and Minutes and Reset Changes the time. Press select again to finish. Just for interests sake if you go over to France and want to know your speed in KPH if you hold select down for more than 2 seconds it will change between the different measurements of speed. Regards Someone else answered the change light as well but i cant find it at the mo . Anyway mate hope you enjoy the forum
Flyin' High!
BLOODY LOONY That looks fun