Everything posted by yamman06
- backy
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- backy
- Y Ronaldo is sayin
- New Member
guess what
- 45
- 45
Bloody brilliant i always thought that Bush took it up the shitter Thought Blair was his bum boy though
- New Member
Think youve got it going on
This is Sexist this Cmon pete do yr job get it removed I'm sure some of the faggots on this site would dress up in drag 4 this
Yorkill Easter egg run
Toooooooooo many bikes 4 it to be safe What a bloody joke
thought you all might like this,,,,,,,,hehe
They're Scum mate Love some-one in their family to get scamed let them all burn in hell
- hi to all
Magnetic tank bags
No idea mate I still use a ruck sack Scint flint u see
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New Member
Hello mate & Get some pics up of your bikes
New To Forum
Hello mate & Nice bike
Yorkill Easter egg run
Would do mate if me bike was together
D Day hath cometh!!!
Well in tomo lad now take it easy don't let the speed go to your head
Yorkill Easter egg run
The Pigs forced the one in Liverpool to be cancelled last year
how do i put pics from my pc on the board
Upload to Photobucket then paste your img code
drop your bike in style
Hope they are covered by insurance
Well sqashed
I dont think I will mess with a lorry !!! READ THE STORY FIRST IF YOU ARE SQUEMISH, DO NOT LOOK. This proves you should not F around with truck drivers.. This fine upstanding member of the infamous 18th Street LA gang decided one day that he would try to car-jack a semi truck at gun point .The gangster jumped up on the driver side, while the truck was in motion, and stuck a gun in the drivers face. The only problem was that the truck driver opened up the door and knocked the attempted Thief off. He lost his balance and fell under the wheels of the truck. At which time the driver slammed on his brakes, resting on top of him and decided that this was the perfect time to whip out his Fuji Disposable camera.... Doesn't look real until you see the third picture.