Lean mean noisy machine
thing is that your unlikely to see a problem till it s too late,if you fit an aftermarket exhaust and air intake your messing with fuelling ratios,ie the bike runs lean (more air in same fuel burn is hotter ? that bit i m deducingi m sure someone will correct me if i m wrong which increases wear) i got the pipe from pacific coast customs and they sent out the pipe and are jetting kit they reccommend that you should go from 112 rear pilot jet 115 front jet to i think it s 117 front and rear so thats what i m going to do ,whats pissing me off no end now is that the harley davidson bikefest is on ere this wknd and i still have my pea shooters on
Sometimes shit just happens
Def looks like something's dug in ,nasty
Back in black (and chrome)
I drive an 1100 xvs and I too have had the shite scared out of me was nt expecting it at all ,mid roundabout an all
Gemini drag pipes
Hey I ve ordered a set of pipes for my dragstar 1100 ,and I m worried about running the bike lean ,will that not cause the bike ti run hotter thus increasing wear in the long run ? Also I ve ordered a hyper charger (man am I in for it when the wife see s the credit card bill ) My other concern is that this stuff is made in the states and I m wondering is there a big difference in the stock jetting between the American and uk versions?
Lean mean noisy machine
Hey guys rapid fire question round ,bought an after market pipe for my uk xvs 1100 a ,from a crowd on the pacific coast in the states,aptly named pacific coast customs ,this is a straight swap for the standard pipes And is supposed to be loud as hell ,now the problem lies in re jetting not that that is a big issue but I don't want the motor running too lean ,I m not interested in performance side just the noise and I don't drive flat out so I don't see much point in re jetting ,now that's my opinion but I m just wondering what you guys think ,and I m just wondering if anyone has done the same and if so had they any problems with starting the bike or when idling ?
Some Weather For The Bikes, eh !
Unreal weather altogether,at this stage I think I ve driven around the ring of Kerry more times than all the yanks put together:-) Since I got the bike the day before paddys I have nt seen one wet day SWEET
Haynes manual
Hey can anyone tell me if there is a Haynes manual for a 2006 dragstar, ,I know it goes from 99 to 05,but do they have one for 06 xvs,can anyone tell me ,and if so where can I buy it Cheers
Well what a week it s been,took delivery of my new (to me) 1100 dragstar about 50miles from home on Wednesday evening and made my way home on a nice clear evening,happy as a pig in shit and smiled for about two hours like an ejit. Got up early on paddys day sun shining ,and off I went I won't say flying cos ten years is a long time even tho you think you still got it ,truth s you don't but I don't mind it s just so great to be back on the road . So Friday sun beating down again I thought man this is great,got home from a great day out to find a message on my phone hey wanna go to a rugby game my friend ken has a spare ticket as someone else can't go o I m off like a shot to see Ireland play England and what happens we give them an unreal stuffing and deny them the grand slam I feel like I m in a carlsberg commercial. That's it for now all is good back being a biker
Hi guys n gals
Welcome mike
Gear choices
Right plan is to buy two sets really , hopefully leather for summer wear and d hapless textiles for winter ,
Gear choices
Thanks for the insight Mark ,am inclined to go for leather even tho it is the more expensive option , but would be money well spent if I get caught out. Brand wise who gives best type of leather and protection?
Gear choices
Hey lads , now that I ve the bike bought need to start looking at gear ,preferable summer gear , need advice tho ,bought a dragstar 1100 ,which is better leather or textile ,and looking for a flip face or modular helmet all advice will be heeded
Hey hey hey
Man only two days to go ,thanks for all the welcomes ,really starting to feel at home Yea, will def give a blast around d ring but will be taking it handy don't fancy a swim in the Atlantic ha ha
Me New Horse
Trust you to spot the beer bottles dirty
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