Everything posted by cheerfulgrin
L-plate journey from Cheshire to Loch Ness and back
Best of luck with your journey today Georgiev, hope the sunshines on your Yamaha all the way to Loch Ness. Check out The Bothy' pub in Fort Augustus, very warm welcome there :-D
L-plate journey from Cheshire to Loch Ness and back
400 miles each way! thats some journey on a 125, best of luck to you! the view in the highlands is amazing just remember to keep one eye on the road though, and remember your going to go through at least 2 tanks of fuel each way! i hope you get great weather and have a cracking time and let us know how it went!!
Am I thrashing my 125cc?
Tried shifting gear earlier and it made no noticeable difference to the speed and sounded less throttled so seems its hit its peak by 8000 rpm or less. Was a lovely evening for the ride home today instead of windy as feck! Ordered a screen for it today so will let you know what its like with that on :-D Just out of interest, are the speedos a bit optimistic? I've had 78 mph indicated which I thought was probably possible if you fitted sails! lol
Y.O.C. T shirt ....who wants one?
One black in medium please :-)
Am I thrashing my 125cc?
thats good to know, i've just got in from a trip to the garage, turned into a 20 minute thrashing around some nice A roads, lol thanks for the reply
Am I thrashing my 125cc?
i recently bought a YBR125 and i'm getting more confident at cornering and stuff now, i find myself at full throttle most of the time and when pulling onto the dual carriageway i'm accelerating up to about 9500 rpm in 3rd and 4th to get some speed up. i'm just wondering if this is thrashing the bike a bit hard? most of the time I'm sat in 5th gear doing about 60ish mph (indicated) at about 8000rpm. also the bikes only done 3600 miles, is this past the running in phase or is running in a thing of the past these days? thanks for any advice, being a newbie i'm a bit unsure as to how much i can push it without breaking it! Rob
Chinese Bike Disaster
very much appreciate your sensible responses, special thanks to leatherat for being serious from what your saying i might not need the vin number if i have included the new keeper slip. fingers crossed then. also, luckily, the very sweet lady copper who is dealing with the theft said she may be able to have a word with DVLA about it. not sure if it will help but i thanked her for offering. reading these responses has at least stopped my heart palpitations temporarily, until i got home today and found that the dealer i filed a dispute with has filed a counterclaim against me, without defending my claim i think? this law stuff is quite complicated anyway, if he missed the deadline to file a defence then his efforts may be futile, not sure yet. thanks again for the replies, i'll let you know how it turns out, more gripping than Eastenders this innit! lol
Chinese Bike Disaster
long story short - i bought a chinese bike, it was rubbish, so i ended up in a dispute with the dealer and i didnt register the bike in my name as i thought it would be going back to the seller soon. i didnt have the V5 with the bike, it was supplied with just the new keeper slip. the bike has now been stolen and I'm not registered as the keeper, is there anyway i can get it registered? the form for a new V5 needs to have the VIN number, which i dont have, i bought a HPI check but that just gives the engine number, not the VIN. i know i'm a numpty for not registering it, and this whole disaster has taught me some lessons, but i really need the insurance to pay out and i dont think they will without a V5 in my name :-( anyone got any (sensible) ideas about this, i would love to hear them as I'm wracking my brains as to what to do next. thanks Rob
YBR 125, screen or not?
any chance of a picture? is your PUIG screen the mini sports touring version? it looks very similar to the airblade i am considering. i am only 5ft8 so would probably push the air right over my head lol thanks for your reply Rob
YBR 125, screen or not?
Hi all, just wondering if the extra wind resistance caused by a screen is gonna be too much for my little bike to push through or if it will improve things for MPG and comfort? i have a 25 mile each way commute, mainly along a dual carriageway on the coast and it gets pretty windy sometimes i'm thinking about getting a universal screen like the Airblade Tall boy anyone had experience of one of these on a 125?? thanks Rob
YBR 125, screen or not?
Hi all, just wondering if the extra wind resistance caused by a screen is gonna be too much for my little bike to push through or if it will improve things for MPG and comfort? i have a 25 mile each way commute, mainly along a dual carriageway on the coast and it gets pretty windy sometimes i'm thinking about getting a universal screen like the Airblade Tall boy anyone had experience of one of these on a 125?? thanks Rob
wheels not aligned - twisted forks?
well, i am very glad to say i am back as a yamaha owner! sadly, it seems all the bad stuff they tell you about chink bikes is true!!! after a long dramatic and educational story i am no longer the owner of the wuyang cg copy and have just bought a 2010 YBR 125, its good to know i am riding something that wont be clapped out and falling apart after 5k miles!! looking forward to some sunny weather now
wheels not aligned - twisted forks?
thanks for the advice everyone. i took it to the bike shop in the end cos the forks didnt look too bad, low and behold the frame was twisted, under the tank, top out by 1.5 inches!! very luckily, the fella i bought off was a good guy and promtly refunded my money! he was just as shocked as me to find out. anyway, sadly this means i am no longer the owner of a YBR, but instead have just bought a 2008 CG125 copy, the Wuyang 125-16c, really catchy name!! lol if they are anything like the CG i should be ok with it, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed. so over i go to the dark side of chinese assembled bikes
wheels not aligned - twisted forks?
Hi All, i recently bought a YBR 125 and have just found that the front and rear wheel are not aligned properly. the rear wheel is ok, however the front seems to be over to the left slightly. i know the bike has been involved in a slight accident, but being a category C i thought that it would be straight. from what i have read, it should be fairly simple to fix this by slackening both of the fork clamps at the top and pulling everything straight then re-tightening. is it really this simple to fix or are there other things i should be considering too? i havent had a go at the forks yet, will do it tonight, but if anyone has any ideas on what else i should be looking for to indicate more serious damage, i would love to hear your thoughts, thanks Rob
Paint colours and codes
thanks - just found him on ebay too, waiting for reply
YBR 125 Newbie
thanks for the welcomes guys, been out a few more times now and just find i want to be out more and more
Paint colours and codes
I have just found out that my bikes colour is red spirit, but that one isnt listed in the PDF i have of the colour codes anyone have a list of codes?
Paint colours and codes
HI All, new to the board and first post, although i have searched for solutions here and cant find one for this yet. does anyone know how to find out what the name of the colour or the actual code is for newer bikes? i have a 2009 YBR 125 and need to spray some of the panels and mudguard but have had no luck getting a match on the colour code so far. I have seen red mudguards on ebay which state vivid red but not sure if there was more than one red produced or if vivid is a proper description by yamaha? any help much appreciated, Rob
YBR 125 Newbie
hello all, thought i should join the club after buying my first yamaha, had a suzuki 50cc when i was 16, a honda CB Twin when i was 17 then got a car at 18, now at 36 back on a bike (part time) and really enjoying it.