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Everything posted by ShouldvStuckToHorses

  1. Hi thanks very much to you both for replying it is so very kind of you. I shall tell my other half when he wakes up tomorrow. It's just so frustrating as the bike was running like a dream 2 weeks ago. It had stood since October but the guy we bought it from rode it home 60 miles when he bought it then put it away for the winter, he took it out for a run 2 saturdays ago to make sure it was fine, then we tried it & brought it home on the Sunday, but it ticked over fine last weekend also so cannot explain it - all it has done has sat since last Sunday in the garage?!?!? All we have done to it since getting it is take out the sensor, try shorting the wire to check the gauge, then rolled it out of the garage tonight fit the new sensor which we probably didn't need, and then ran it on tickover for a little while tonight before it decided to conk out & then refuse to run normally at all. It just seems like the reason it won't start was it needed to cool down and then it fired & ran just about with the throttle slightly opened but as soon as you let go it died again & wouldn't restart, just turned over and over. It's just so odd that it was perfect & now it's not!!
  2. Hi please please please can somebody help?!! I've had to join as completely flummoxed! A fortnight ago we bought a 1994 YZF 750 R Import. It was running perfectly when we went and looked at it, and it was running fine on the patio last weekend (we brought it home in a van), but my other half then noticed the temperature gauge hadn't moved after it was standing ticking over for about 20 mins. He tried shorting the gauge as advised by earthing the wire and the gauge went to the top no problem. So we were told it could only be the sensor, so have bought another sensor (the small sender with 1 terminal) and fitted it tonight. He had the bike out on the patio after fitting it, it was running ticking over perfectly until I got in from work, at which point it cut out for no reason then wouldn't start again it just turned over and over. The temperature gauge hadn't moved either after spending £35 on a switch. We tried all the connections and tested the fuses and everything, by then it had cooled down a bit, we tried it again but the battery had gone flat, so went and got our other battery, by this time it had been off for about 10 mins, and it fired first time and ran again, but it was like a bag of hammers and then wouldn't run without the throttle revved slightly he tried this for ages then let go and it then cut out again and wouldn't start at all again. He tried shorting the wire out again to see if the gauge went to the top again and it didn't do anything. All the fuses under the seat are fine. Please please please can somebody help as the bike was fine 2 weeks ago, hasn't been anywhere except in the garage, and now it's dead! Many thanks