TZR50 cheap tuning
Iam listening to you all as thats why i made the post, im just trying to learn how I can go that little bit faster like any 16 year old with a 50cc bike. and yeah you can get big bore kits for around £140 aswell as many other engine parts such as racing clutches and cranks, carbs, exhausts bout £160 for a decent one. but im just wondering if doing little things like changing reed petals or the filter foam/the air filter itself will make any difference. you know what its like 16 get a 50cc bike think its the best thing youve ever owned then your mates come out with their 70cc bore kits then you realise your 50cc is really just pants
TZR50 cheap tuning
not very much bout 8-9 stone somewhere in their lol bout 8.5 last time i checked so just over that now i guess
TZR50 cheap tuning
but there is obviously a way to make my little 50 pick up better than it does now as it is completely standard except for de-restriction ofc. im just trying to learn off others how i can go that bit faster off of the lights, im sure it can be done
TZR50 cheap tuning
yamaha garage told me to dickle with the air filter so i did
TZR50 cheap tuning
would changing the air filter or getting polini filter sponge as opposed to the standard sponge help it get more air? and will this reduce bog? i havent got a clue tbh dont really wnat to waste money either
TZR50 cheap tuning
well i dunno i see it as a good oppurtunity to learn the road properly and learn how bikes should be riden on the roads and its gona be hard to put my brothers TZR to shame its a proper 2-stroke as far as i know its getting all the air it can get i can to the air mixture screw up more but then i would be idling aboue 2500rpm :/ i was thinking maybe changing the air filter but ive been told without up jetting the carb i would risk even more bog
TZR50 cheap tuning
haha! well yeah it is only supposed to do 30mph so im pretty chuffed with 50 would just like to have a bit more of jump on people riding round busier streets and so on. However, definately getting a 125 at 17, brothers got a 1991 TZR125 and that makes me wish i was 17 tomorrow
TZR50 cheap tuning
Names Mark new to this forum, so firstly i would like to say hello to you all I own a 2004 TZR50 about 50 on the flat depending on the wind direction, fastest is 64 down hill still takes forever to pick up off lights and often bogs down. ive turned up the air mixture screw abit which helps reduce bog but still isnt very responsive. i dont want to change sprockets as this would lose my top end slightly. i was wondering if anyone knew of any cheap ways to make me go faster. I was thinking new reeds and air filter changes... thanks for reading (Y)
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