Near chester, im up in the wirral now and again for work though, nearby thurstaston, let us know if you get soemthing going?
Also your name suggests you DJ?? What genres??
sounds like he steals bikes regularly ahaha
no, his bikes are regularly stolen, ridden, ragged, crashed, and deposited either where it's crashed, or in the river.
Anyone from round these parts on here?
none of my friends ride bikes, (one does but has an issue with bike theft that follows him around) and need someone with common interest as to not irritate with bike passion!!
Ahh excellent, cheers mate. like i said im pretty inexperienced mechanically, i mean im bright enough to work out how things work and go together (im not completely incompetent )but it was just things such as the brake torque arm needing to be loose to do the chain correctly.
I've decided to recruit a friend of mine who's in a mechanic course in college to oversee me doing it, and im gonna take your advice on taking it to the shop for a onceover.
ta for the advice!
ive had a ybr custom (10 plate) for a few months, loving the joy that is two wheels intensely!
unfortunately got a puncture the other day so ive had to take the wheel off and get a new one,
Incredibly noobish request but when i put the wheel back on (its the rear one), im not sure exactly what i need to do with the rear brake cable and chain with regards to tightnesses etc, is there anything specific i need to do before riding once its all rebuilt?
ive got some figuress in the manual but is there anything specific i need to do aside from putting everything back as it was? I would get it fitted by the dealer but i cant afford it.
again sorry for the incredible noobality i just ache to ride again as soon as possible