Everything posted by FjrWizard
What happens if I disconnect the CDI box?
Yeah, thanks for the replies. That bike has given me nothing but trouble, that goddamn cdi did it's work pretty fine just a couple of hours ago . I (like I allways do) leaned a little too much in a turn, and the cdi kicked in right in the middle of the turn and the bike started engine breaking, (if it woulda been under normal circumstances i woulda turned the choke on before the turn to avoid that, but since I had already used too much gas money this month I tried to be concervative, and look at what happened) the plastic shit that's supposed to be between ones leg and the exhaust broke (I had to change that one not two months ago because I sliped on the ice earlier this year ) and also my leather jacket whitch had been my grandpas got all scratched up, and the right arm (of the jacket) almost fell loose (strange since I fell on the left side... like allways), and the left half of my phones screen is all black now (before I left I thought about moving it from jeans pocket to shirt pocket, but i didn't ) anything else I've forgotten?... yeah, I mashed a snickers bar I had in my left jacket pocket, (where the phone also shoulda been, if it was, the phone shoulda got smashed allright, but it was my usb cable that cracked the display (I'm so stupid I have a usb cable in the same pocket as my phone while riding a bike )) Now, my only hope is drowning the memories of this with the mead my mother allways make before summer Yeah, and now my hopes of getting to buy a YZ250 from 90 something has went down alot. I was thinking of this one , but the odds that I'll get to buy it is right now 1:665411354498488 if I still can trust my phone calculator
What happens if I disconnect the CDI box?
add I cant tell you how sad I am to be born in theese times and not 25 years earlier (in the 70's)
What happens if I disconnect the CDI box?
I know my dt50r has cdi restrictions, so is it possible to totaly disconnect the CDI box to get rid of that problem? And if anyone has any other tips on how to make my DT50R from 2010 to go slightly faster or atleast get more power, feel free to tell me. I dont understand shit with theese new japanese engines, everything's controlled by electric, and the parts sit so tight together so you'll have to own the exact right key, or påta for half an hour (almost) just to get the spark plug out. where did the old times go? when all you needed was a wrench and a couple of screwdrivers.
yamaha dt50 2007 de retriction
I've got a dt50r from 2010, and it's shit, 56-60 km/h top speed, and I cant find the restrictions, I think they should be where the exhaust turns, and also cdi restrictions, is it possible to just remove the tube between the exhaust and the cdi, or will the bike ''cut'' then? (I dunno the correct term for ''cut'' but it is what happens when you put too little oil in it, in swedish it is called ''skära'' and that means cut)
DT50R tuning?!?
I've got a dt50r from 2010,got any tips 'bout making it faster? And if anyone knows how the heck you are supposed to get the restrictions outta there? The exhaust doesn't fit back togeter after I've had it open just a bit, so I cant imagine how you should be able to get the restrictions out, and I cant get the whole exhaust off. I'm very noob at engines, so please if anyone has any tips that doesn't involve buying a 125cc... (I live in finland and over here it's 15years old=50cc, 16yrs=125cc(but I aint got the cash for that), 18yrs=125< or car)