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2 stoke madness

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  1. 2 stoke madness posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    i need to buy some new gold wheel rims or get my rims and spokes replace for my yamaha tdr 250, does any body know where i can buy some?
  2. Just got my plastics from TAFFMOTO they are A1 fit like new ones no missing arround they just bolt bolt on IF ANY 1 NEEDS YAMAHA TDR 250 PLASTICS. BUY THEM FROM TAFFMOTO GOT THEM THE NEXT DAY AFTER ORDER. THANKYOU ALL FOR YOUR INFORMATON
  3. Thanks lads i will give them a ring.
  4. 2 stoke madness posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi does any body know where i can buy front plastics for my tdr 250?
  5. 2 stoke madness posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Trying to put yamaha tzr 250 wheels on my yamaha tdr 250,does any one no what spaces i need or were to get some