torque specs for xs400?
Hello again , Im still picking at the bike here , and just finished painting the down tubes. I'd like to know the torque specs for the front wheel? There is one 7/8 Nut on one side where the pin goes through , and two 9/16 nuts on the opposite side. Should i use locktight? '79 xs400 right on , thanks.
Marker lights
anyone add aftermarket marker lights ,to a xs400 , what is the method? I'm hoping to be able to cut an inch or so out of the "shaft" thats between the bulb housing and the mount on the bike...any thoughts ? thanks again
Marker lights
Hello , I was Wanting to remove the marker lights , to perhaps snug them to the bike , they look like they're in 3 pieces ....? Im looking at the "wire" connection and wondering if it has to be cut to removed, as it does not look as it will pull through ...? how would i go about removing these....I will take precautions and disconnect the battery before I begin . should i begin at the bulb end or disconnect the "wire" connection , that i have followed to the headlight bucket. Also wondering if its ok to start a new thread with each question I have...?Im new to forums, and having trouble posting pictures, it states that there is an error , to log in , or that the picture is too large. Thanks for your time !
- petcock
when you say you don't do diesels , you mean oils desingned for a diesel engine in a gas engine right? i have read a bit about this , being and option, and would indeed like to save the cash, but im wondering what the manual would recomend ....? The bike is still inspected and in fair condition , I'd just like to do some maintenance, not sure where to begin or what to purchase.
- petcock
- petcock
Hello , I just picked up a 79'Yamaha xs400 , the ID begins with 2L0...This is my first street legal bike, seems to be in good shape. I have a few more months before riding weather and have the bike inside, so i'd like to make sure it's all ready to ride. I'm hoping to find a manual soon, but I'd like to know what position to leave the pet cock while the bikes not running...left:RES...down:ON...Right:PRI?
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