Everything posted by NE0
Hi Guys Been using the new bike for a few weeks now , rain or shine...mostly rain!!! Got unbelievably soaked on Saturday during a 40 minute downpour, but heh I'm using it! However, it didn't help when it died at the lights! thinking it was the rain I was frantically kicking it over much to the amusement of the car drivers behind me, although in the downpour I'm surprised they could actually see me. As I rolled it over to the kerb I noticed the mileometer (odometer if your pedantic ) with 90 miles, I remembered I did zero it when I filled up last, a quick turn of the petcock to reserve and it sprang into life!...and it was still chucking it down. Good old DT. I don't know how big the reserve is so I filled up at the nearest station...just as the rain stopped! So I was just wondering how many miles do you fellow 175MX riders get, is 90 about right? less? more?,
DT 175MX 1978/9
Well Guys you certainly know your stuff. My bikes cured!!! All three engine mounts were loose, the back top one was only finger tight! the other two were not as bad, all three have now been torqued up. Plus the swinging arm nut was not as tight as it could be, nearly a full turn before the torque wrenched 'clicked' I guess the clues were there in my intro , the frame had recently been stove enamelled, like past 6 months and clearly whoever did the work didn't tighten it all back up again. this prompted me to check all the other bolts , one bottom fork nut was also loose! All in all I'd say the vibration was 95% gone. It's not as smooth as my 400/4 so my expectations are it bit misguided! I expect you get a slight vibration from a stroker (trouble is its been 34 years since I was 16 and riding them!) But I'm a happy man again! so the drinks are on me , what will you be having guys?
DT 175MX 1978/9
Thanks for the quick replies guys, Neither of you wanted a pint then? I'm not over keen on taking it off the road just yet to rebuild the engine having only just got the bike. So I won't be stripping it down in a hurry and even more so when I don't need to.. I will check those items tomorrow and get back to you all, (providing I can get the time!) some more details for you... Cynic, it is only noticeable on throttling or cruising, soon as you throttle off and remove the load on the engine the vibration stops. On tick over it sounds just like any other stroker. I did wonder if it was speed related so i took it out this afternoon, and no its not. You can ride at 20 or 40 an its only noticeable when the engine is throttled up!! (Gee isn't that what happened to the shuttle Challenger? you are clear for throttle up....Kaboooom) cut the revs and it goes. Its quite a harsh vibration which you feel through the pegs first and then it feels like it makes the frame vibrate. Don't get me wrong its not shaking, its a rumble vibration. I did take out the plug a few days a go just to check , it was not oiled up but a nice brown. Its not difficult to start, one or two kicks, but certainly harder if the engines hot. If any of this helps? Cheers...don't forget your pints guys....
DT 175MX 1978/9
Hi guys, I’m up at the bar looking into the bottom of my empty glass! Let me buy you a drink, and tell you the problem with my DT175MX I’ve only recently purchased it to go with my CB400/4. see both bikes here It’s a 1978 registered early 79. Its got 19,300 on the clock, seems genuine as it came with MOTs dating back past 20 odd years. It had a rebore at 14,300 including 2 main bearings (not the big end). In the past week or so I’ve noticed it has a rumble under load, it’s a vibration which travels through the foot pegs, take the revs off and the rumble disappears, go back up through the gears and it becomes more noticeable. I’ve only had it a few weeks so in all the excitement I may have not noticed the rumble, but as I’ve ridden it more its certainly there! My thoughts are is it’s the big end….... So what will you have?
over heating
Welcome Budunt, Not the greatest start but credit where credit is due...this thread has the HIGHEST number of views in the Noob section well done.
Hello Folks
Many thanks for the welcome. If it’s of any value to those who have an interest in numbers, the frame/engine are in the high 3900’s so If it started at 000001 its under the 4000th made! , It was registered in early 79. It’s got the characteristic round tube swinging arm, and the smooth side panels. There’s also a short front mudguard which causes spray all over your chest in the wet. On the back is a rubberised mount for the tail light and plate. It passed it MOT today…horray , but it did fail a few days before!! The frame has recently been stove enamelled but the frame earth was not cleaned back to bare metal, so all the lights were dim and flickering. A good clean of all the contacts and a good frame earth ensured a pass today. I’d like to convert it to 12volts and read with interest the post in the main forum of a conversion but the thread was unfinished. I’ll keep doing my homework but its certainly on the to do list….eventually! The 400/4 is my pride and joy and I restored it to its present condition about 10 years ago, I’ve kept it nice and have on occasions showed it at local transport festivals. If I could find away of riding both together I could show the DT along side it! All the best NE0
Hello Folks
Hi folks, Just saying hello to you all Recently got myself a DT 175 MX to go with my Other bike! I've owned my 400/4 for over 25 years, its a lovely ride but up until recently I'm not so keen on getting her wet, all that chrome takes a while to polish and the road salt doesn't do it much good either, so from now on its a summer / dry weather bike. However, I wanted a commuter/wet weather bike so I bought a DT 175 The idea is the 175 will be my winter/wet bike. Don't worry folks the 175 will be kept just as nice as my Honda! Here's a picture to wet your appetite for the 70's NE0