Everything posted by NE0
Swing Arm Bush Replacement
What a team eh?
Swing Arm Bush Replacement
The part number you need is 2N4-22141-00 and is common to over 323 machines. Just a case of looking for one for another model https://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-mx175-1980-a-usa_model8746/shaftpivot_2n42214100/ i think you have to log in to see the full list. https://www.bike-parts-yam.com/yamaha-motorcycle/assignment_spare_parts/2N4-22141-00 this also gives a list of other bikes it fits hope this helps.
Swing Arm Bush Replacement
Yambits sell the kit https://yambits.co.uk/dt175mx-swing-arm-repair-kit-p-3002.html not a bad price at all, under £30.
Swing Arm Bush Replacement
Rick , I think you'll find it very difficult to cut that bolt out with the engine in place. As you can see, the amount of space available will make the job so much easier.
Swing Arm Bush Replacement
Hi Rick Yes, my mistake I was indeed thinking it was the swing arm pivot bolt which is just as difficult to get out! You're referring to the lower swing arm bolt (as you said in your first post!!) arrowed here! I assume you've taken the engine out to gain better access???
Swing Arm Bush Replacement
Hi Rick I did a thread to this on my own MX a few years ago https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/28370-dt175mx-refurbishing-the-swinging-arm having cut mine off, I used the socket and bolt to 'push' out the remains in the vice and also having re-read the post I even made a new swinging arm pivot bolt from an M10 stainless bolt and put a hole in the side for the split pin. it was a PERFECT fit and it's still there today working fine! The socket was used to 'receive' the bolt remains whilst the shiney bolt there was used to drive the remains into the awaiting socket. The vice was tightened up and up until there was a loud 'bang' as the remains of the shaft gave up! then it just had to be pushed out. I remember it well, such a sense of achievement!!
Historic M.O.T.
Well for those that have been following this topic, I've just had to 're-tax' my HONDA 400/4 which was declared an HISTORIC VEHICLE on the V5c the fee being £0.00. I received the V11 reminder which states the fee of £0 but also states "This vehicle needs an appropriate MOT test certificate" so I went to the GOV.uk website, put in the 16 digit reference number which stated the details of the £0 and then It stated "This vehicle was constructed over 40 years ago and may be exempt from MOT. To which you have a choice of selecting a declaration that the vehicle had not been radically altered from its design and thereby declaring it exempt from MOT, If you select otherwise the you then have to organise an MOT). i selected the declaration and the next step was saying no fee to pay for next 12 months. it would appear that every year you have to declare its exemption and your no tax, which is not transferrable. You still have the option to declare SORN. Well there you go, a relatively painless process from someone who's actually done it. ((you can now ignore any other stories you may have heard!!)) Nice one.
Historic M.O.T.
Yes, that's correct! The "failure" over-rides the rest of the MOT. Regardless of the amount of time remaining. That's the drawback should it fail. The advantage is of course if it passes, as you explained, it continues for 13 months.
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
Hi there, Well done that man, always nice to know about another succesful NE0 Conversion! Nice to know you've also adapted it with the headlamp run off the battery, which to be fair is not difficult to do, just has to be wired up to the battery instead of the generator. its also great to know the battery is coping so far with this addition.
Historic M.O.T.
Yes it's good news for my Honda (1975) but the DT is a 1979 model and therefore will have to wait another year! Having said that, some of you may or may not know, but historic vehicle status is not automatic. You still have to claim 'historic status'. DVLA will quite happily take your road tax from you until you send in your V5C. I only changed my 400/4 over last year having phoned DVLA to find out the procedure, and I did say to the chap that i thought it was 'automatic' and although he was very nice and helpful he did say that not everyone might want it!.....................eh?? who on Earth would WANT to pay road tax when you don't have to! but thats what he said. So if you want to change to historic vehicle you need to take your V5C (Complete section 7 with change of taxation class to 'HISTORIC VEHICLE' ) to the post office along with your tax reminder and they send it all off to DVLA for you and thereafter you don't pay anymore road tax. I understand you still get a tax reminder which you go online and tick a box to continue with your 'free' status. I'll let you know soon how I get on with the MOT status as its 'due' soon. NB, I've just looked at my V5C and I've owned my 400/4 for over 31 years! .....time certainly does fly!
Snapped and rounded exhaust bolts
Ditto!!.. otherwise .................................it's frying tonight!!! (and for those thinking outside the box...NO.......it doesn't charge them up!!!)
Snapped and rounded exhaust bolts
It also goes without saying, that if you do weld it, don't forget to remove the fuel tank and store it well away from the welder, as molten metal/sparks and petrol fumes have a unhappy relationship!! if you are successful in the stud removal then putting in new studs with a bit of "Copperease" may well stop then seizing again. having said that sometimes it can be so successful that they unscrew and fall out! if however, drilling the studs out is the end result then you can 'helicoil' the holes (threaded inserts) and put in new studs. i did that to my DT head. Where abouts are you? you may find someone willing to help.
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
Thanks Cynic, yes Airhead also mentioned earlier in the thread and i do like to remind people...this is what i did to my machine! it's aimed at the MX models, it might not always be possible to do it on other bikes.
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
Hi akleimer, please remember this is a mod for the later DT 175 MX model. Not the earlier ones. it may be there isn't a regulator fitted? Mine was fitted under the airbox, I've known them to fall off. its only one screw and a wire which holds it there! Nonetheless, having said that the wire which goes to the regulator is from the ignition switch, the feed comes up from the generator/magneto. Remember also the c90 regulator/rectifier is a combined unit and replaces BOTH of the disconnected Regulator and Rectifier mentioned in the text. One wire from the regulator and two wires for the rectifier are required. I doubt you can connect the 3 pins to the same source! Have a look at the circuit diagrams for the MX if it helps, but getting a look at the circuit diagram for your bike is a must, the Haynes manual is a good place to start, as it shows US and UK bikes. PS it's also good practice to pop over to the NEW MEMBERS area of the forum and introduce yourself, tell us where and who you are and what bike you have etc,
Reset sequence on an MT07 Tracer
A little bit of ebay searching and google searching brought up this..... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-OBDII-OBD2-MT-09-MT09-XSR-900-FJR1300-MT10-MT10SP-R6-MT07-XSR700/142784680925?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D44040%26meid%3Defec2d612d944c6e9e91d1f12b6160a5%26pid%3D100623%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D252780397410%26itm%3D142784680925&_trksid=p2047675.c100623.m-1 But it does also mention a 3 pin and 4 pin connector depending on year. This cable ONLY provides the ODB2 connector socket nothing more! You do of course still need to have a some form of scanner/laptop and an interface tool as mentioned by Cynic.
Reset sequence on an MT07 Tracer
I've had a look on Google, and found the owners manual (which you probably have) pages 3~11 detail the dashboard but there's no mention of a reset procedure. If its anything like a car, the system has an ODBC connector and the error is stored in memory requiring it to be plugged in to clear and reset the memory. I also found this on a website for the same error but on a FJ-09 and the reply was and seems to confirm it..... the above from https://fj-09.org/thread/5723/2017-reset-check-engine-light So in a nutshell, no i don't think there is a 'user' way to reset it.
Clymer Service and Repair Manual
errr you could try Google. I found one within 5 secs of simply putting in "virago 535 manual"
Cost of motorcycling
Your bikes are not good on fuel Cynic? Then be grateful you don't drive a Stolly to work!! (Alvis Stalwarts. It's another of my Interests!!! ...I love em!!) All petrol driven, Rolls Royce 8 cylinder B engine .They only do about 3 to 5 MPG, and if you filled the 100 gallon fuel tank up (450L) will cost you over £550 to do it.! and it will last you up to 500 miles. So at your weekly rate of 150miles you'd have to fill her up every 3 and half weeks!
Cost of motorcycling
(Up until recently) I used the DT on a 15 mile round trip to work. I used it or 3 days one week then 4 days following week. (105m every 2 weeks just for work) plus a bit of pottering in between. I'd get 105~110miles per tank and it cost about £8 to fill up the DT tank every 2 weeks. Get your DT out instead Cynic....? (DT175 has a 7 litre tank for those not familar with this little 2 stroke)
NE0 is still alive!
ahhh there he is. Ding Dong...................................(rings a bell)
NE0 is still alive!
Thanks chaps, nice to see the core group still going strong too, I see Cynic is also around . One quick post and it seems like I've not been away! ......actually yes it does!....I accept its been a couple of years!....trouble is, I belong to so many forums I had to curtail my activity as I wasn't getting anything done! So it's not just you folks that haven't seen me either.!
NE0 is still alive!
Hi Guys, yes its me! I know I haven't been around for a while, well years actually!!!! but you'll be pleased to know I'm still alive and kicking.....and so is the DT. I've just posted an update to the DT175MX 12v Conversion following a prompt from Alex and i thought it best to do a little post at the same time. The DT has been reliable and relativley trouble free and by that very nature there's been nothing to report on save for a big end failure a few years ago. However, a quick rebore and new piston saw the bike back up and running within a couple of weeks and back on the road getting me to and fro from work on a near daily basis. I've put just over 2000 miles per annum on the clock year on year and everythings been good. The 12v conversion has equally been doing its job without any problems and to be fair I've forgotton about it, it just works. Wheras the DT has certainly being clocking up the miles, my 400/4 hasn't! Over the same length of time Its probably only done about 200 miles, only coming out on fine days and when I can be bothered to move everything to get it out the shed! On the plus side the 400/4 is now tax and MOT free so I should make use of it more, especially now I've retired! Yup, last year I decided after 40 years of work it was time to hang up my uniform and retire, i know it seems I've now got all the time in the world but I now find there's so much to do, which I've neglected over the years............I dont know where I'm going to find the time to do it all, doesn't appear to be enough hours in a day to do everything! On top of that my wifes decided its time to move, and I'm having to do the house up to sell it, the house looks a bit tired so I'm having to decorate it all to get it presentable, well you wouldn't sell your car without making sure it all works and is all washed and polished to show it off at its best, would you? I feel the same goes for selling your house, got to smarten it up to get the best price. So it's all hands to the pump to achieve it, its not as if I havent got the time to do it!......oh wait ..........I haven't!! (You'll notice I didnt say 'sell your motorbike" in the above text, I mean ........why would anyone want to to that?!........you just can't sell them after all those years together!!! ) So there you go folks, a quick update. I'll try and make more than a guest appearence in the future! all the best NE0.
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
Hi Guys, i know I haven't been around for a while but you'll be pleased to know I'm still around and so is the DT. The 12v conversion is still going strong and has remained trouble free and reliable, and because of that , technically there's nothing to report. A few months ago I retired and subsequently the DT is no longer being used as a daily commuting bike (which was the reason for getting it) It's currently SORN only because the MOT centre closed down and I've yet to sort it out, just got so many other things on at the moment! (Having said that I'll end there as I don't want this thread to go off topic as it seems to remain a popular post to read.)
any TV engineers on here?
Did you get your TV sorted? if not try a factory reset... From the TV Menu, choose OPTION -> Factory Reset -> Yes (wait for a few seconds for the TV to download again) -> OSD "WELCOME" appears -> Press OK button -> Choose Language -> Choose Home -> Select your Country and Time Zone -> Press OK button. might be worth a go!
I wanna know! Sorry i'm newbie!
Thrashed = ridden hard (as above) comes from whipped, thrashing, whipping (always wondered how to use that emoticon!!) wheras Trashed is an Americanism for rubbish....ie, Trash, garbage, to destroy! Now where can you use the emoticon boink gif????