Everything posted by kev
- yeehar
- New member says hi ya
- yeehar
- yeehar
- new member
- hi folks
:D hi amd welcome dude :D
:D now that is a question, you see a few months ago ma good mate was away to buy a landie for restoration, whilst there the bloke asks if he knew anyone that restored bikes... he had a look and thought of me, so for £150 he aquired for me a 1984gpz550, a bit on the neglected side, now after a few months of workin every nite after work its nearly done, my bebo page name is twber in the photo galleries are picts from start to now, then once my compensation claim is settled, i really dont know..... :D
- Hallo!
- test
Bikeless in Dagosville!
eye man i sold ma 125 today guted
- test
my turn for the test
:D oph yes that grin just stays on the face, unfortunatley ma big bike is not quite finished yet but i'm trying for next week some time, but hey still grinning, you enjoy k. :D
my turn for the test
:D hey hey nice one well done, i passed mine on friday there too :D
- test
- test
- test
- test
- Introduction
- Hi there
jacobite mcc
:D jacobitemcc. rebellion rally, the uprising, 7, 8, 9th sep tickets £15.00 pre book £20 on gate, 250 limit. campin, good music, cheep beer, silly games, trophy's tee shirts avail on request £10 for tickets @ bikes n bits balnakeith, nairn or send sae to cath czyrt, 27 loch ave, cranloch, nairn, iv12 4tf phone 01667 452476. venue nairn....
Thought I had better say Hi!
:D hi how do :D
- paint job