Everything posted by kev
- first off
- first off
- first off
- first off
first off
:blink: well i did it today guys went to work as normal got into the car park not even considering the fact it was minus five the nite before, went to stick the bike in the usual spot hit loads of ice and down i went.. dented pride and a bent gear shift to my troubles..... pride still sore, hammer sorted gear back to work on it tomorrow...... my wife does not understand the whole bike thing been at her for ma theory test and got no where so guess who spent the money for her valentines present......theory on 14th..
- look
bookin ma theroy test on tues gettin one step closer. i finished work the usual sat, the other dude i work with gives us a wee race home there is two ways out to the main road, bout three four miles, kev has won three weeks in a row, donnie drives a vectra, me one the tw.. go go 125... whats every one on this weekend?????????????????????????
nearly 2
hey guys howz tricks.. my day finished better than yesterday or so i thought.. got home about the back of three parked the bike up was putting ma chain on then spotted something in ma tyre { i have had the piss taken for the size of my chunkies} there was the head of this screw stickin out ma tyre so i went and pulled it out, oh my god talk about monster cant figure how to get a pic of it uploaded so this will have to do ------------------------------ this long --------- this wide.....shit ma pants tyre is still hard though just checked, fingers crossed for the mornin.......
- newbie
Wicked Hand-Held Stroker....
whooah comes to mind..
- newbie
Wicked Hand-Held Stroker....
:blink: man thats a big blade dude.............................................
- intro
- nearly
- nearly
:lol: no matter what, just about to sting the wife for ma theory test very very soon then ma test will be shortly after that cant wait oh for a bigger bike..another lovley day :blink: got guys i deliver too (white van man) on the morning one chap in the office has a zepher 750, his mate reckons i am mad biking in this weather, ha he knows nout..... ah alas t time at the zoo...
New Road Tax Scheme
:blink: :blink: thats another sign as always its gordon and tony shaftin joe public
:rolleyes: ah yes friends, well what goes around comes around, would love to be there when it does though... what fantastic riding weather. work saturday till about 12 or two ish. coming home always clock steam tower at the wood pulping plant,check what direction the wind blows..most of the time its blowin east always east, thursday it had me down to 37 on the straight.. gales and rain.. wouldnt have it ant other way though.
ah yes friends, well what goes around comes around....lets hope its soon. you work saturdays????? myself till 12ish yet another day of gales and rain, my poor tw down to37 in the wind. wouldnt have it any other way!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
<_< had a moment wed going to work, luckily pulled out onto a main road when mt chain junped off the back sprocket and jammed between the sprocket and swing arm.. oh krap i thought then a guy i uede to work beside pulled out of the same junct, though yes score flagged him down to get sorry late cnt run you to your work that was on his way anyway. cheers pete!!!! by th time i got back off my run(white van man) was dark and wet tried to fix but couldnt tightened it all up too much, ha but got it mobile again tonight back on two wheels...some weather for it.......... :D
oh bugger
thats mental man my mate ralph an i went from inverness to joh o groats for a rally, was a big thing for me as i ride a tw125 on ma l plates, had only been riding about a month, about half way up i signalt to ralph that i was pulling in for a smoke, pulled into this lay by just north of brora, got off ma bike looking back and there was ralph heading into the ditch, he did exactly the same with his 55 plate sv1000. easy done. broke his clutch lever....
oh bugger
thats mental man my mate ralph an i went from inverness to joh o groats for a rally, was a big thing for me as i ride a tw125 on ma l plates, had only been riding about a month, about half way up i signalt to ralph that i was pulling in for a smoke, pulled into this lay by just north of brora, got off ma bike looking back and there was ralph heading into the ditch, he did exactly the same with his 55 plate sv1000. easy done. broke his clutch lever....
- oh bugger
- intro
- intro