Everything posted by Jackelhunter
My trike
Well I am finding more out about My trike she is from California which have a load of emission laws so when I replaced the carburettor she is now taking in a lot more air which is now being caused by the emission regulator which British Virago's don't have so had to block up some intake pipes to reduce the intake and now its reduced its popping big time so with a little more playing with it it SHOULD finally solve the problem ,I keep telling myself its not a chore it's an adventure.
Help wanted on carbs
Yes and its still seems a puzzle on how to do it
My trike
Its from a BMW exhaust which is short and sounds very beasty so when its back fires its noticed and at night it has a nice blue flame come out of the exhaust,so my lovely neighbours love me when I do the late shift and come home at 2am in the morning the good thing is she is deaf bless her so I try to keep it fairly low rev's.
My trike
My trike
This is my pride and joy when she is playing nice which I hope will be soon fun to ride and gets lots of looks as she does sound meaty with the short exhaust
Help wanted on carbs
Can any one tell me how to find and adjust the carb as I think she is running to rich . I had to replace the carb and now I have a nice loud popping sound when she starts up and runs and then when she idles she does the same even though its not to loud its should not be. Because its a trike the Yamaha dealer wont touch it so I am on my own (they wont touch trikes even though its not been modified much and I only want the engine looked at )I have a xv750 virago . thanks
Yet another Noobie
hi my names Keith and I live in Beccles Suffolk and have a xv750 virago Trike which is loving the cold weather as its staying covered up (not intentionally) but the sweet darling doesnt like the cold weather and No I have full intentions of riding all weather just the trike likes to give me a problem when cold.I have had other bikes but gave up riding when I joined the army years back .