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Everything posted by SVSprocket

  1. Yeah I've tried multiple starting methods, occasionally she does stat, but chances are once you stop and switch the bike off then she won't start again. I'm also thinking starter relay, but do you know if you can bypass this and run directly from the battery? Would be an easy way to see if this is causing the problem? I'll try and get a little video setup so you can hear the noises it's making. Thanks for the advice
  2. OK I checked the battery tonight after charging it with the optimate. I was getting 12.9 volts with the bike switched off, 10.9 once switching the bike on, couldn't turn the lights off with the bike on as there's no switch, only high low. Tried starting her but got the same old issue, a little crank and then the annoying clicking sound. I switched the bike off and put the multimeter back on and could see the voltage rising, was around 12 and rising. I turned her back on and checked the multimeter and could see the voltage gradually dropping. So any help would be appreciated Thanks Ant.!
  3. Thanks for the reply it was a new battery, but that was back in the summer now, I'll get a meter across it and see what I'm getting. Always wondered though, is it possible to use a normal multimeter or do you need a special one for these batteries? Thanks, Ant.! Edit: I have the battery on an optimate charger, doesn't this validate the battery? It's all showing green.
  4. First off, hello to all This is my first post on the forum. Secondly, I'm having problems starting my bike. It's a 1986 YX600 Radian, I've checked it over and she has a brand new battery in but still I can't get her to start. Sometimes she will kick off, but once the engine has switched off again, it's probably wont go again. I've had this problem for a while now but haven't had the time to work on it. The symptoms: With the battery fully charged I try to start the bike. At first attempt I hear a small crank, but then nothing but clicking. I think it's coming from the starter relay, but haven't had a chance to properly check this. Does anyone know if this is a common problem and anything I should look at before dismantling or replacing the starter relay? Thanks guys. Ant.!