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  1. Thanks mate, I found the prob, was a faulty coil
  2. Hi, my bike is yamaha jog 2002 50cc with the 6 PIN PLUG connector CDI. I have been told that you can cut a wire to derestrict the rpm limiter. Which wire is it. As i remember there are 6 wire: WHITE AND BLUE WHITE AND BLACK (2 OF THESE) RED BLACK BROWN Thanks
  3. Hi everyone, this is from some one elses thread but his problem is exactly the same as mine, I have done everything listed to try and fix it but to no joy. any help would be much appreciated. thanks Hi All loses power on hills or whenever the throttle was opened more than 1/3 of the way it would bog right down and cut out. Also on full throttle it is really really slow boggy acceleration with almost no power. Sometimes it will be really difficuly to get started again once its cut out I have noticed that with the correct plug gap it will not even run but with a tiny small gap like its nearly touching electrode it will run but be as above. It sparks with both settings when outside of the head. Since getting it home i have done the follow - with the following outcomes: Changed Spark Plug - No Change (although the HT lead appears to have a sparkplug cap stuck in it and i had to screw the new plug in to it removing electrode from new one) New Battery (fixed electrical probs, inc button start but no change to riding) Removed and refitted exhaust (had to get to brakes anway) - when riding the bike with the exhaust loose performance was the same, since putting it back on fully tight with no leaks, new gasket, problem appears worse, engine literally dies within 10 seconds of applying any more than 1/4 throttle. Removed and cleaned carb fully and checked fuel line for flowing fuel - if anything this didnt help but made it worse, it now starts perfectly but has real problems revving Changed the length of throttle pin in carb by moving clip up/down - no change Fresh tank of gas - no change Tried altering idle speed, and mixture - after cleaning carb it was idling slightly rough, though changing idle only seems to make a difference when cold, adjusting the mixture just seems to alter how far you can rev it before it dies, and weather if you release throttle if it carrys on running.... almost seems like engine is flooding. Bike has been involved in a bump and has been sitting a while
  4. Hi, exact same problem as you describe, also done everything you have to try and fix it but nothing. did you ever find the problem thanks mate