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  1. razz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi all , just wondered if anyone can show a list of what each diag code means , and also the c01 and c02 on a 2009 xj6,that you access thru the dash board, i can access the numbers but are unsure what each does , i`ve spotted a list for the phazer but not the xj , cheers ady
  2. razz replied to razz's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    i most certainly will , if i go this route , it`ll be summer when it happens , as i use the xj 6 days a week and don`t wanna trash me blade in the winter , i`ve already come off the xj before xmas whilst riding to work in heavy snow , got court in a car track which took the front wheel out , only bent the rear brake lever up , but i did atleast get to see a gorgeous nurse in x-ray due to neck being naughty , but anyways , the other route for the exhaust would be to get the scorpion can that goes onto the standard box , but i`d remove the standard box first and cut it open and gut it out before refitment , atleast i`d know then it would all fit ps , lots of info on this site
  3. razz posted a post in a topic in Naked
    hi all , would anyone know if a R6 downpipe , would fit on the xj6 09 model , the 2002 R6 did not have the cat unit , they are easily available and would allow fitment of an after market can at a cheaper than full system cost , the xj does use a de-tuned r6 unit after all , any thoughts , thanks loads , razz
  4. razz posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    hello there , just thought i`d say hello before i start me posts , i use a xj6 09 for commuting and she is the best of the best , does long hauls comfy too , i been riding since i was 6 and am now 40 my other toy is a blade , but hey , they say the xj is ideal for beginers , i recon its brill for everyone , right i`ll now find somewhere to post my exhaust question , i`ll put it here too tho , does any one recon a 2002 r6 four into one downpipe set will fit the 09 xj as she uses a r6 engine ish , one cos they cheap and two , i can then make fit a lot of different silencers as the replacement full system prices are rather high , cheers razz