Everything posted by pete_c
- tail ight
- tail ight
tail ight
hi all any one have the issue, where the rear light doesnt work, but the brake lever will make the light come on but the foot brake wont make it come on...? the head light comes on as does the light for the speedo... not sure where to start as the bulb is good.. unless its a connection problem...or is there a separate fuse for the lights / brakes? not got a workshop manual to hand so couldn't check... cheers
Help - aftermarket exhausts for XVS650 Drag Star
this sir, is genius!
Help - aftermarket exhausts for XVS650 Drag Star
thanks for the words of wisdom man please do keep posting about your exhuast project, am very interested as i'm sure all newbie dragstar owners are
Help - aftermarket exhausts for XVS650 Drag Star
i'm thinkng getting mine rejetted any way just in case (as i'm experiencing some odd lack of power now and then which i read may be down to the rejet gong out slightly..?), but have been told a rolling road might be in order to get the best results, you have any experience on that part..? btw, good man on the loud feckng pipes, love em!
Help - aftermarket exhausts for XVS650 Drag Star
good advise there mate i do have some not so loud pipes but will have to get the bike rejetted if i fit em..
Wireless Tachometer
ahhhhh right thanks man
Help - aftermarket exhausts for XVS650 Drag Star
deffo man! just wondering, have you ever had any mot probs with the loud pipes? as i was just told by a garage they may fail mine cos of em..
carb cover?
Hi all Only had my 650 custom a few weeks now but noticed the carb area seems a bit exposed underneath (just a flap of some heat resistant type material) Was wondering if mine had been removed or are they all like this? as couldnt find any ref to any covers in the work shop manual Cheers Pete
Help - aftermarket exhausts for XVS650 Drag Star
i got the same on mine, lovely sound on em :-)
Just bought an XVS650 Drag Star Classic
nice one man, enjoy! i got a 02 plate one a couple o weeks ago, an loving it put some pics up when u get it
hi there, new here as well, just got me the same bike last weekend and loving it got any pics of it?
new biker saying hello
thanks kishan :-)
new biker saying hello
hi oldgitonabike i like em, they look purdy
new biker saying hello
thanks mate, friendly bunch in here :-)
new biker saying hello
thanks man :-)
Wireless Tachometer
whats the antenna connection?
new biker saying hello
thanks for the warm greets funny you say that, my instructor said that i had a stupid grin on my face all through training, loved every min of it! and loved the ride back last weekend when i picked it up, all many hours of it! :-)
new biker saying hello
hi all new biker since beginning of jan, passed full test and loved the dragstar, so got me one last weekend pete