Hello wise bikers,
I own a yamaha xj 600, it's my first big bike. It was running beautifully until a hole one day opened up spewing out fuel from tank. So after draining fuel tank and discovered lot's of rust in it. so replaced tank with 2nd hand rust free one.
Whilst sourcing a new tank I'd lost my job so the bike stood standing (outside) for close to half a year. But i wrapped bike in protective shrink wrap to ensure no water getting in to the engine block. Anyway when I got tank etc. I put in new spark plugs ( and battery) and I got my bike mate to clean out my carbs and tap. But despite our best efforts doesn't want to run.... the odd thing is when i used easy start spraying directly into the intake it ran. so guessing the engine is still working. Has any one got any idea's to what could be wrong?
Hope you can help!