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  1. Thank you for your help! I just want to make sure I am understading you correctly, are you talking about the bearing that is on the starter motor itself, or the starter clutch that sits behind the flywheel?
  2. cobluecrewfan posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I tried to find a previous post about this issue, but didnt find anything completely similar. I getting my '73 TX500 back to riding condition and tried to start it with the electric start. When I push the button, it sounds like it is engaging, then after a second or so, I hear horrible clanking coming from th left side of the bike. It sounds like a loose chain clanking around inside th cover. I took off the left cover thinking it may be the starter chain (the chain that engages the flywheel and starter motor) and I noticed when I looked at it, it looked to be a little droopy between the chain guide and the starter motor. But when I look at pictures of other guys similar bikes, they also have some droop. I dont want to purchase a new one if it is not that, but I cant think of what else it may be.
  3. New

    cobluecrewfan posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    I am Ian and have been advised that I have not used proper forum etiqette, so to meet proper qualifications heres a little about me: Name: Ian Location: Denver, CO Bike: 1973 Yamaha TX500 Dont really know what else, so there it is!
  4. It was something that I was missing, after playing with the seal that I wrecked, I realized that "flange" was the spine of the old seal, it wasnt coming out easily. After some elbow grease, I was able to get it out and new installation was easy as pie.
  5. I couldn't find a thread about this issue, but on my Tx500, I have removed the old seals, which didnt come off completely, and I am trying to install new ones. Here's my dilemma. If youre looking down into the lower fork tube, you have a "flange" that the fork seals sits below(thats how they were when I took them out). and with all my might, I am having trouble getting the seal past this "flange." Since the diameter of the seal and its rigidity is bigger than the diameter of this flange I am flabbergasted on how I am going to get this thing in? I have already ruined one seal trying to force it in with a socket and mallet. Am I missing something? I feel like I am missing something altogether, which is why I am seeking the knowledge of you masters out there to help this newbie dork out! 0