Everything posted by gaz
- alarms
- Theres some bloody crap
Bike not running well.
Bloody hell Gordon.
Techie Help
Try taking the two wires out of the kill switch and twist them together, then try an start it, if it fires up the kill switch is knackered.
yamaha or harley davidson
Not Harley fan at all. You need ter wear a leather waistcoat wi tassels on ter ride one of those, and you must have a leather stetson ter wear as well ,when you tek yer lid off.
hey mozzy
I think the simple twat has seen too many films about the war, no sane person talks like he's the drill seargent from full metal jacket, an before you kick off irish you aint the only person in the feckin world to have seen active service. always assuming that you are older than 15.
I've had er off road a coupla times , an it's about the most fun you can have wi out teckin your claes off. One of the most forgiving bikes i've rode for a while,and off the mark it can leave a few sporty types standing, top end is only bout 90 though. Round here in Weardale with all the twistys though its a real hoot.
- toy
Monday Morning IQ
SEVEN..... arm a feckin geeneeus.
- snowing
- Camilla
- Jacko
- Guess What
- the bar
- ktm
- Who Cares
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Tell you what Alex, that photo is a suprise,cos what with your avatar an all I just keepthinking of you as Bat man
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Sorry about that . i did say i was feckin useless with the computer
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Thought I'd let you have a look at ole faithfull.
what do you do with yours?
Ride the Divvy all year round. Coupla times in the snow, which had a sphincter facter of ten, the bloody thing weighs nearly quater of a ton an i think it would brek me leg if i landed wrong. Still lookin good as well fer a 95 model ,nee rot or owt, mind I have to mek sure i wash the road salt of pretty reglar like.
Hi another newie....
Welcome Suzi. You'll like it here. not a bad un among the lot o weh.
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In reply ter Mozzy's mam, aye it is near Bishop Auckland, bout ten miles away. An as fer lookin a bit naughty,Well I seem to get that a lot. an you know what they say about the book an cover. Gentle giant really.
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