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  1. Judzehh posted a post in a topic in Naked
    So as you guys know, Im doing my test pretty soon, Was gonna get a 250, But now im thinking of getting a bigger bike, getting it restricted and waiting for those 2 years to fly by so i can de-restrict it and go fast! What bikes you guys recomend? I been looking at an XJ6, But the prices are stupdidly high
  2. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks all! My assessment thing went well, they said ill end up paying 530 for everything, Which seems acceptable! Bike-wise only bike i like is the ninja atm, Not to many sports bikes at around 33 bhp
  3. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well i get my first years no claims in august, so i want to wait till then to insure a bigger bike, but i want the bike in my garage waiting for that day, wouldent want to pay more then 2500 tbh and thanks everybody
  4. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'll be limited to 33 BHP as im not 21 yet Wouldent a 400 be more then that?
  5. Judzehh posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey again peeeps! Been and booked a assesment today, So 9 o clock tomorow ill be on a 125 to see how much i have to pay for my test ! Couple of months ill be on a bigger bike , Any Ideas on what bike to get? I'd Like a nice Sports bike but im not to sure yet WISH ME LUCK?! Jordan
  6. Judzehh posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    http://stores.ebay.co.uk/The-Yamaha-Parts-Shop Just found this on ebay, Looks well priced to me, Check it out Jordan
  7. Judzehh replied to Karrtoon's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  8. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    I agree, Spent 4 and half hours fitting a giannelli exhaust... Fail
  9. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well, I showed them on the computer exactly what i wanted, Then told them it was a XT 125 X 07 model So they ordered XT 125 X 05 model exhaust, Which is quite abit different to mine, Idiots!
  10. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in The Bar
    I only have some summer motobike gloves, so iv been forced to wear some huge ski gloves that are really iritating while riding, Is it finnaly time to get the thin gloves back out? and yeh not to far away
  11. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Wow theres alot of us younger ones Thanks for the warm welcome everyone
  12. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thats true ! He also said a chain tool would cost around 40 pound, Im sure i could get a decent one for less then that :/ Thanks again Jordan
  13. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Oh Yeh, Little update on the topic, I went and ordered a chain today, RK X-ring Sprocket set, 80 quid Looked on internet and they charge that for a chain on some sites, So yeh pretty happy about that, But then he said its 40 quid to fit and I dont have a chain tool, Pay for them to fit it or pay for a chain tool? Decisions decisions
  14. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    You meen when you drain the oil out of your engine you use that? and the paint brush, does that work as well as spraying it on? If its worked for you then thats one of the easiest way of saving abit of cash iv ever seen! Jordan
  15. Judzehh replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thats what I was thinking, Seen as the bike is 3 years old and the state of the chain on it at the moment, I doubt its been changed in all those 3 years, Since iv had it I think iv lubed it around 7-8 times using some dry spray crap that the local shop recommended, But instead of wasting money on that crap on my next chain im going to use some of the PJ1 stuff, Everyones saying thats the best stuff to use Thanks again all Jordan