power valve trouble
hi guys i am having some trouble with my pv , it was fine a few days ago ,but i turned my key about an hour ago and i couldnt hear my pv servo ,so i striped it down made sure everyting was connected ,wich everthing was so i started it and went on it and its flat until i get to about 35-40 then it starts to kick in so i was just wondering do i need a new pv unit any help would be great thanks
hi guys can any 1 tell me what the restrictions are on a yamamaha dtr 125 1999 ,ive got a dep race pipe on and it didnt really change the speed ,so was just asking what outher main restrictions is there thanks
yamaha dt 125 cluth problems
hi every 1 ive just had me engine rebuilt and i started it everything was fine then i went to put in into gear and it stalled , so i striped it all down and checked it had all plates and push rod bearing and all is there ,i disconnected my clutch cable and put my bike into gear and pushed it but the bike isnt trying to bump start like it should the clutch is stil spinning it like am pulling in the clutch lever any idears ...regaurds ryan
yamaha dt125 r clutch trouble
u got any idears what could cause the noise mate . or could it just be as simple as needing new clutch plates (the only thing ive done to clutch is put the pushrod bearing in )
yamaha dt125 r clutch trouble
i forgot to carry it on ;/ sorry
yamaha dt125 r clutch trouble
hi guys i have a 1999 yamaha dt125 r . when i try to put my bike into gear when bike is running it just stalls ,when i pull my clutch in when it is running (not putting it into gear).it sounds like there is a scrapeing sound cumming from the clutch ?............when bike isnt running and i put bike into gear and push it back and fawords a few time the clutch seems to work but bike is very stiff to push ?.any help would be great thanks
dt125r running trouble
i was going down the gears to turn round and as i when u apply the throttle it jut cut out there was nothing there .also it wouldnt start after that
dt125r running trouble
dies . ive just had it tickin over better and i tried bumping it it worked and then it just died on me
dt125r running trouble
hi guys my dt125r will kick over with the choke off but then if u touch the throttle it dies and if i try and but tho choke on it will not start ... regaurds ryan
dtr 125 float
carb in now set up as air screw 1 nd a half turn tick over screw 3 turns .and floats at 21mm thanks alot :)tried kikcing it over but didnt want to start for sum reason
dtr 125 float
when measuring it .do i turn carb up the ryt way and let the floats hang or up side down and measure ?
dtr 125 float
what do u measure it against mate ?
dtr 125 float
can any 1 help ..how do u measure and change the settin on the float ?
yamaha st 125 carb settings
hi every 1 sorry to keep bombarding u with questions:) what are the standard carb setting for a yamaha dtr . the pin is on the 3rd mark of the needle,the bike kicks over but rens for few seconds then dies so i just wana know how many turns the air mixture screw is and if there is any outher things what could help it thanks
any 1 selling a yamaha dt 125 choke lever
my choke lever snapped today and was just wanting to know if any 1 know were i could get 1 or if any 1 has 1 spare wich i could buy of them ? Ryan
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