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Everything posted by LiamDTR

  1. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Apparently it's perfectly okay so long as you know and use your hand signals... worryingly very few people know them though
  2. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ah, May well be the case then Dirty, I did however check with four separate MOT Testers and they said this was the minimum requirement. I do apologize if this information is wrong. And yes Drewpy that is correct unless the vehicle was manufactured/designed before 1905 The MOT Testers handbook doesn't actually state which voltage a horn should be so I'm guessing it's something of a "standard" and also a very obtainable item to get
  3. LiamDTR replied to red-butcher's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Добро пожаловать RB!! Enjoy your stay with us
  4. LiamDTR posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey Folks, As some of you know I've been getting my DT125R ready for a return to the roads, the information I have received here, from various mechanics and also MOT Testers is invaluable. Some parts of this are obvious but others not so much. A quick breakdown of the stuff that is not required for an MOT (My personal case so far!). 1. Lights, If you have even one light connected all of the lights must be connected. However interestingly enough if you were to blank out all of your lights with duct tape or something similar they wouldn't test them anyway... 2. Speedometer, not actually needed for the MOT but it is against the law to not have one fitted to the machine if it will be touching the road! 3. Odometer/tacho, again not actually needed for the vehicle at all as it's only there to tell you your present mileage and how many revs are being produced. The mileage would be put down as "mileage unknown". 4. Horn, required for the MOT. Must be at-least a 9v (TM9 Battery Powered) horn attached to the vehicle that can sound continuously (I picked one up for £15 and it's LOUD). 5. Number plate. You MUST have a number plate fitted for position checking etc, and make sure you have a reflector on the bottom of the bracket or use reflector screws for the plate (about £2 a pair but leaves your tail.. TIDY!). That's all I can think of that actually surprised me for the MOT, you can have the most mechanically sound bike in the world but they won't pass it without a horn Hope someone else finds this useful, especially if it's your first re-road register. Cheers for the help I've had here guys
  5. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in Video Section
    That bike has an extremely sexual sound about it
  6. LiamDTR posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Clearly these guys have incredibly massive balls
  7. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Lol Drewpy, So long as he's not above 25bhp I may stand an incredibly slim chance
  8. Nice vid, Some really nice roads where you are CBD
  9. LiamDTR posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Okay! So as we know I now have a lovely new frame with V5 and my bits are all on the lovely 1999 frame... However I had some worries about the engine as I spoke with on of the previous owners of the bike 2 weeks ago and he said "yeah it's a dt lc engine" as you can imagine I was not amused... Until I phoned Yamaha today!!! 1989 DTR 125 engine (might I add it's been maxed on engine mods barr exhaust). It has a total capacity of 175-180 (not 100% on which, I'm assuming 175 as it's more common). A friend has offered that after getting a new exhaust system on there that he'll put it on the dyno and we can play around with it a little more buwahahaha!!! Anyway I'm over-joyed but somewhat wanting to cry lots... From my local Yam dealer a complete 1989 DTR 125 wiring loom will cost about £100!!!! I'm only upset as a mate sourced me a complete loom for £25 but I think it's from a 96 or so Back to the drawing board to get this thing lighting up with a big 'ol alarm!
  10. LiamDTR replied to karlbentley's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi there Karl! Very nice project and well done on getting it for £100!! £135 Is quite reasonable I'd say for a sand blast and powder coat, no harm in shopping around though Best of luck with this, I'm eager to see how this turns out.
  11. LiamDTR replied to bobbyb's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  12. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in General
    I am in the process of tidying it up Blackhat, It's just taking its time with work being in the way right now It'll be having the daytime MOT initially yes, but I'm going to phone up Yamaha tomorrow when I return home with the engine number to find out what year the engine is as I have a full wiring loom but it obviously needs to be the correct year The weather doesn't really bother me so much, I'm used to riding in all types of weather but I am looking forward to the sun!! Also I want the wiring and such sorted first as I really don't fancy not having a top grade alarm fitted and also not a fan of not being able to have sidelights on in the day!! Helps to be seen, so within two weeks of it being on the road and such I'll have all that dealt with
  13. LiamDTR posted a post in a topic in General
    Hey folks!! Took a few weeks out and have been working my backside off to fund the bike etc. Picked up a new frame with V5 even has an old MOT certificate and original datatag paperwork from 1999 anyway, Still frame issues but went ahead with that purchase as it was the right price and a fair old bit of paperwork with it. Unfortunately someone had a stamping issue with that frame too... (seems I'm prone to these!). But this one has all of the stuff to make me believe it!! Vin was stamped in reverse order and the intial letters (which are now on the right hand side of the number...lol) are actually backwards... weird but w/e. Anyway will be calling up Yam on monday to get some details from them etc and info if I can get a vin plate done for the bike or something along those lines, No idea what so ever but was worth a shot!!! Anyhoooo the Portuguese based company HPires sent my new rear fender through etc. 3 days from Portugal it took longer for my other halfs gator for her gear shift to come through! but.. looks insanely cool and has lifted the look of the bike Let me know what you think! Liam Ps. If you hadn't guessed, I wasn't kidding by working lots! I've had so little time to get on with it all
  14. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in General
    Righteo! Cheers OG, was thinking of popping a DEP on it once it's on the road anyway so there's my spare exhaust I shall fill a box with bits and see if he's got a bolt kit kicking around too! woot it's very exciting again now it's progressing!
  15. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in General
    Not going to Lie... just did a little sex wee.. Frame that is 100% Legal has been sourced, same bloke who sorted out the throttle stop screw. Has the V5 an all Will see what other stuff he has in his garages when I go to pick it up. I just know I'm going to be like a child in a sweet shop lol! Any suggestions for my visit? IE: anything to keep an eye out for that would be good to have a spare of? I'm considering a Secondary petrol tank for sure as I will need another while I get a set of plastics and tank sprayed up that is in the original colours Cheers again all and thanks for all of the helpful suggestions so far! edit: Only reason I've decided to get a new legal frame is because it's the only way I can definately be sure that I have a legal bike. No more purchasing from un-savoury telle-tubby like people!
  16. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in General
    Cheers Rocky, Mervin. The etching sounds like a fantastic idea but could be somewhat costly. I think I'm going to have a lengthy chat with DVLA and the local coppers as I have texts from the bloke saying "yeah yea it's for that bike" etc. and it doesn't seem right that he's getting away with this be it legit or not... And I'll register with that site but I'm 100% it's a legit number he's given me due to Yamaha's response and helpfulness but they want £40 lol. Cheers guys, Liam
  17. LiamDTR posted a post in a topic in General
    Okay so I have had "developments" with this sodding bike now... turns out the frame number given seems spurious (possibly)... I managed to find the original seller (3 months ago his sale was listed). Decided to contact him as I'm having unforeseen registration issues... DVLA Wanted the registration number of the bike, so called the bloke and he said :quote: Nah mate I didn't sell off the bike with a V5 at all :end quote: Sooooo this fat turd has sold me a bike he actually didn't have any paperwork for as I've been on the blower to DVLA today and explained my case as he'd given me a frame number... Now I know (I know 100%!) he has a "donor" bike and I'm curious as to if it's that frame number he's given me as it does match exactly! They said.. (they being the fella at DVLA) that I should just use that number so long as it's that frame that he's switched... but there is honestly no way to bloody tell... I'm at my wits end with this already and I need some suggestions and advice on what to do, I really don't want to be getting on the wrong side of the law. I already thought this was all sorted but when DVLA want me to do a V62 and I don't have the reg etc. Or a green new owners slip.... GRRRRRR!!!! Any advice would be appreciated (HUGELY!). Cheers guys, Liam
  18. LiamDTR replied to Judzehh's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'd go with the ZZR 250, no point in going out and getting anything bigger (trust me I know). I had my Bandit N600 with the restriction kit etc. for the crappy 2 year period... Not fun Fuel consumption for some horrid reason went up and well... the performance was lacking to say the least. It'd get up to 80-90 no probs but it was so mind numbingly boring it hurt! If you want something that will still perform well I'd say get the ZZR 250, Restricting an engine can't always be a good thing! Unfortunately not the easiest bike to come across however... found this site which may be of use to you. has a decent list of bikes that are 33bhp or slightly (very slightly) under. http://www.bat-motorcycles.co.uk/33bhp.asp Best of luck with the test!! Liam
  19. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Rofl that was priceless
  20. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Cheers Vez I will make sure I remember that bit And Barkwind.. Honestly I do remember when he died (Mam was a huge fan... what woman wasn't?). But other than that I've not listened to INXS since childhood lol
  21. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ruddy hell... For a screw that is obscene. I've asked at the local bike dealers and to be honest they were about as much use as a chocolate teapot but one gave me the number for a chap in bristol who sells DT 125 Parts and has almost every generation of bits! woot! I'll give him a call as he is close to me and see what he has kicking around but if this fails I shall take up your kind offer!! Cheers Vez PS. Switch gear L/H and tail tidy arrived 2 days in the post from scotland! and 1 day in the post from somewhere I can't remember! Just got off the phone to him, really sound bloke knows just about EVERYTHING there is to know about DT's Couple of quid for the screw
  22. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    No worries I'll give them an email and see if they can do one for me. Cheers again fella
  23. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
  24. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Excellent! Thank you mate very much appreciated, Now the important bit... Any recommended suppliers? Taa
  25. LiamDTR replied to LiamDTR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Cheers DOA, I'll have a look on youtube for these vids, However It looked like it wasn't plugged 0o Still the whole in the bottom.. I'll youtube it and get back though Thanks