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  1. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    I always get confused when I hear that song. I never know whether I want to be the Fireman or the Policeman. Maybe I should just sit here and drink while I watch the rest O'ya dance. 40MR
  2. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    A Nuke Squid, eh? I never rode ‘em, but I spend 4 years in the early 70’s in a U.S. Navy Nuclear Engineering Support Team (machine tool operator). We travelled around the planet meeting up with busted boats wherever they could surface to rebuilt valves, pumps, periscopes, etc. You're about 2 years my senior. I guess we both started our families a little later in life. I salute you right back! 40MR
  3. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    John, Daughters are joy in ways that son can’t. It’s just that (as a guy) you have to learn to shift gears a bit to know how to bring ‘em along. I think you have to stay as close to them as possible (let them share in what you do) because they tend to grow independent quicker than boys. Both of my daughters learned to ride motorcycles at 8 y/o, shoot at 12 y/o, to handle power tools and to hold their own in a conversation with men all along the way. At the same time, they’ve been honor students and look their best in a cocktail dress. My oldest spent a Summer working as an official ‘Budweiser Girl’ at Sturgis and some of the other major U.S. motorcycle gatherings (her grandfather worked Staff so we had an eye on her). As her father, I had my concerns, but I knew she had the self confidence, intelligence and adequate exposure growing up to handle herself. Now she’s a conservative soccer-mom of two and with her accounting degree, she runs a string of auto detailing shops in Florida. The stronger and smarter you help them become, the fewer real worries you encounter. Like Rocky said a few posts back… ‘you have to give them enough slack’… (just don’t let go of the rope). I’m sure you’d do fine. 40MR
  4. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Just recieved these from my oldest son. I've mentioned his bike a few times, so thought I'd share... 2009 Yamaha Raider 1900. These pics have been resized so as to not abuse anyone's residential wiring. Keeps his garage way cleaner than I do mine!
  5. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Right now she has a 2007 Suzuki GZ250 K7-Black. It has an interesting little engine… single cylinder 4-stroke with a double dome piston and dual intake and exhaust valves and dual exhaust pipes. It’s only rated at 20hp, but the one piston produces surprising low-end torch. We‘re just finishing up on a general refurbish. The yak that had it before her drilled holes in the muffler and took all the stuffing out. He blued the pipes up pretty bad as well, so we’ve pulled them off and ordered new ones. A ladder in the garage slid down the wall and landed on the rear fender (plastic), and took a 2-finger chunk out and split it, so we’ve ordered a new classic cruiser fender as well. The previous was a kind of bobbed off affair. The rest of the bike is in very nice condition (<1000 miles) and it should all be back together in a week or so. I was really surprised how affordable the factory parts were… we usually fabricate what we need, but this one is supposed to come out like scaled down version of mine. No doubt we’ll take some pictures then. I should probably reduce the size of the next ones… didn’t realize how huge the ones I posted turned out. Hopefully the shiny new muffler & pipes will take her mind off my ride. I’m thinking she should graduate to a 500 or 650 in a year or so after she builds up her skills. I’m looking forward to cruising with her this Summer… should be a real kick, which is what I’ll probably have to do to the herd of froth’n young billy goats she’ll attract. Oh, Sir Dave, the biker babe/secretary look is totally calculated like the Spikes & Goth was a year ago. As a Dad I prefer the current softer presentation, but the knee-high black boots, torn fishnets and skull chains are still hanging about… part of the fun of having girls I guess. 40MR
  6. 40MILERUN replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    Oh, you never what to overload them. They’ll look like everything is in working order, but they just stop. It’s like flooding a carb. If you keep at it, you’ll just wear the battery down and risk damaging parts. No matter how many years I’ve tinkered with ‘em, I’ve never developed a good technical understanding of that whole self-lube system. Wow, you guys got warranties? Mine was an ‘all sales are final’ promotion. In fact, I think trying to remove and return it now could be extremely hazardous. The edges can be razor sharp if not handled properly. I do think that conducting tests for a fellow rider is an idea that has merit. I’m just having a hard time picturing it. Do you have any photos of a stripped down unit? 40MR
  7. 40MILERUN replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    I’ve only had two in 34 years. The first had shaggy red upholstery and never seemed fit right (you might want to avoid those… faulty). The second fit proper right from the start and has become more comfortable over the past 20 years. The only issue I’ve had with this one is that it occasionally wants to push forward into the front seat, which leaves no room for me. I haven’t found any fix for that yet, but I have discovered that if I’m patient, it usually warms me up later when I least expect. 40MR
  8. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Yes, John… nice Berreta 40S&W. Your Santa needs to talk to my Santa. I did get a pint of ‘Lump of Coal’ ale in my stocking… good brew, but not quite Guinness. Either way, I’ve gotta talk to the jolly elf before 12/25/2011. You must have been a real good boy! 40MR
  9. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Rocky, What size is the Virago? The 250 is a nice starter bike for a young girl. Vic (Victoria) tried a V-Star 650, but she wasn’t ready for it. We got her a 2007 Suzuki GZ250 (3 years old with less than 600 miles) for a really good price. She only weighs about 105lbs, so it’s been a good match… solid bike too. My wife rides it sometimes, but we can only ride back roads together… the GZ won’t do highway with any kind of style. There’s definitely a confusion factor at times with daughters, but I’m glad to see that both of mine have the self confidence to ride. I think European and perhaps Canadian women are more accustom to riding motorcycles. The American preoccupation with big bikes has been an impediment for women riders, but manufactures are beginning recognize them as a consumer market. My wife rides more for the economic benefits than as a hobby or recreation. 40MR
  10. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Leatherrat, The heat really depends on what crowd happens to be around or what the circumstances are. If you’re riding in a fundraiser or such, everybody stays pretty neutral (vocally anyway). Saturday night in a rider’s pub you might catch the odd barb, but it’s rare that there’s a need to shoulder-up with your buds in a show of fierce unity. Usually the patriotism objection comes up when they don’t have anything else to lay on the table. Most riders see it as a pretty hollow prejudice and misplaced love-of-country. I think the HD ‘pinnacle’ perception exists largely in the minds (and advertizing hype) of those who have a vested interest. I’m sure it’s a well exported Hollywood-Americanism (like cowboys). There is a minority of people (as vocal and visible as they may be) who place looking or feeling special ahead of demonstrating intelligence. Frankly, if they don’t like my scooter, scr@#’em... I can buy my own beer. I’ve one fello-rider who owns a Yam Raider 1900 so customized as to not be recognizable. The obviously superior power and sound (to anything Harley builds) usually draws a circle of admirers in the parking lot. Once the Hog owners are in awe, he tells them it’s a metric and asks to see one better. Occasionally he’ll endure a hail of explicatives and gestures, but more often they wander off in silence… that kind of thunder leaves very little room for argument. 40MR
  11. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Maybe so, or maybe I can buy her off with a new trinket for her Gz250. With daughters it’s all about strategy… not that you stand a chance of winning, you just keep negotiating until they move out. 40MR
  12. 40MILERUN replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Regrets. Too late to nip it. She has her license. Best I can do is hide the keys. 40MR
  13. 40MILERUN posted a post in a topic in General
    What a remarkable difference in the weather today from the passed couple... bright sun, no wind, clear skies. I got out for a totally unexpected hour and a half run along the twisties. The youngest daughter climbed atop her dad's bike, so I snapped a few. It's not enough she's got her own. She'll be wanting mine soon. I know that look. 40MR
  14. Well, I feel your pain, but I for one got tired of rebuilding carb’s on Triumphs and ain’t going back. 40MR
  15. 40MILERUN replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    Case – Sensitive