Everything posted by Nickybwild
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Just checked out the site you recommended clarkgrey - THANKS looks good!!!
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Thanks clarkgrey and fearlessjoe - much appreciated
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Thanks neversaydie!!! Nope the 50km+ swerve is still in mod 1! Thanks for your suggestions Nope I still have the xvs125, will be selling after I pickup the 650 in a weeks time
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Does anyone know if xvs125 parts fit on the 650? In partiular the Sissy bar/engine bars? Thanks
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
to be honest I'm just interested to hear people's opinions and would also know what sites people use for custom parts
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Hahaha VERY true! Well does anyone know of anywhere that does reasonable engine bars? Renntec do some for £100 but they don't look that great in the pictures. The HH's are double the price.... THANKS
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Hello!! Hope you are all well! Last week I passed my Mod 1 and Mod 2!!! Both in torrential rain (and I mean TORRENTIAL). It was raining so hard that my radio stopped working! After passing Mod 1 - I lost my instructor in Farnborough!!! Ended up riding all the way back to London on my own....in the fast lane with a BIG grin on my face mind you!! Anyway - was a bit of a nightmare, but I survived and I am now over the moon to be free from restrictions like many of you fine people on this fine forum! VERY EXCITING!!! I've just upgraded my XVS125 to and XVS650! So far I have the windshield, a set of straight through turn down pipes and some studded panniers. What I'm after now is the following: Engine Bars Sissy Bar (possibly with rack) Studded Leather Tank Cover/Strip Possibly some of those luxury seats with buttons Just wondering if any of you guys have any of these or know of where to get them? There are LOADS out there and was just wondering what people's opinions on what the BEST ones are or their favourites. If you could provide some good sources and prices (the cheaper the better!!) it would be MUCH MUCH appreciated! Was thinking of sticking to Highway Hawk for the engine bars...although they are a bit dear. Do you think they are the best looking ones? ANY help/advice welcome THANKS as always and ride safe! Nick
When did Yamaha stop making the XVS125 Dragstar?
Thanks! REALLY appreciate it!
When did Yamaha stop making the XVS125 Dragstar?
Thanks for all of your help! Just making sure! I'm going to order a disc and pads tomorrow and attempt to fit myself...wish me luck!!
When did Yamaha stop making the XVS125 Dragstar?
Hello all, Just wondering if anyone knows the year that Yamaha stopped making the XVS125? Alot of spare parts provide the range 2000-2004, however, my XVS125 is a 2005?? Could it be that it was actually made in 2004 but registered in 2005? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance
XVS125 Dragstar Front Brake Disc - HELP!
Do you think the 2004 should be ok for my 2005?! Thanks again
XVS125 Dragstar Front Brake Disc - HELP!
Thanks! Are pattern as good as EBC though? With delivery, the pattern is about £82. I just found an EBC for £91. Should probably go with EBC??
XVS125 Dragstar Front Brake Disc - HELP!
Thanks guys! REALLY appreciate it! Have you heard of kagizumi discs or do you think it's best to go with EBC? THANKS AGAIN!!!!
XVS125 Dragstar Front Brake Disc - HELP!
yeah maybe mine was made in 04 and registered in 05?! Thanks for the reply - much appreciated! Will have a look into fitting it myself...any tips??
XVS125 Dragstar Front Brake Disc - HELP!
Hello! Hope you are all well! Just wondering if ANYONE can be kind enough to help me...my XVS 125 dragstar failed it's MOT today because of a scored front brake disc. They quoted £140 for a replacement which seems a bit high especially as they will charge fitting ontop. Does anyone know where I can find one for a 2005 model online?? I've managed to find some EBC ones for under £100 but they are for 2000-2004 models. There's also a Kagizume brake disc on eBay but again that is for the 2000-2004 models!!! Can anyone suggest anywhere to find them? Also, can anyone suggest what make to get, etc? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!!! Thanks as always fellow YamaHeads!!!
Help with XVS 125 Exhaust Drill Mod (to make louder)
Hello all! Hope you are all well and had a great Xmas and New Years!! Just wanted to start a thread about an exhaust mod that I have heard about for the XVS 125. Apparently if you drill 3-8 holes through the black part of the end cans, it creates a louder/deeper sound? Has anyone tried this or have any experience on this area? I found a good picture of a virago 650 that had this mod done to it, but can't seem to find any instructions, pictures or diagrams on how to do it to the xvs125. Is it possible/worth it? If so, how many holes should I drill? How big should they be and how deep should they go? Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!!!!!!!!
Yamaha XVS125 gears & getting into neutral problem
Hi guys! First off HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope you all had a good one! I've only just recovered, hence the late response! Just wanted to say a massive massive thanks to you all! Really appreciate it! Best wishes for the new year ahead...I'm sure I'll speak to you all soon!
Yamaha XVS125 gears & getting into neutral problem
Thanks Paul! Much appreciated! Will give it a go!
Yamaha XVS125 gears & getting into neutral problem
Hi guys, Hope you are all well and looking forward to Xmas!! My name's Nicky and this is my very first post I've recently purchased a 2005 Yamaha XVS Dragstar. LOVE IT Only slight problem is with the gears. I have no problems switching when on the move, however, when at standstill, I'm having a little problem shifting her from 1 into neutral. I'm probably just not used to it but if I tap the gears gently, they won't move, and if I tap them slightly harder, it ups to 2. Now after about 4-5 attempts, the gears won't go up from 1 at all. I have to drive her for a bit (whereby changing gears is fine) and then come to a stop. Again I will get a few attempts to get her into neutral. Is this normal??? Does anyone have any useful tips? Sorry about the complete noob question but this is my very first geared bike!! Any help would be MUCH appreciated!!! Thanks in advance and HAPPY XMAS to you all!!!!!