Everything posted by Nickybwild
XVS650 Help - Throttle Stuck?
funny thing, it doesn't happen when cold - but occurs after about 10 minutes of riding.
XVS650 Help - Throttle Stuck?
Thanks for the replies. Yes it does continue to rev once the springs have pulled the throttle back. I will try lubing the cables later Thanks again
XVS650 Help - Throttle Stuck?
Thanks Mate! MUCH appreciated! Will give it a go. Do you think it might be worth me unhooking the cables, removing the housing and lubing the cables? Cheers as always!
XVS650 Help - Throttle Stuck?
Hello! Hope you're all well. Was wondering if any of you can help? Yesterday, after riding my XVS650 for about 20 minutes, I noticed that my throttle seems to be getting ‘stuck’. I slipped into neutral, opened the throttle and let go – the bike continued revving (throttle open). Switched off the engine, let it cool down for a bit then started again, same thing happened. The bike continues the revs until you click into another gear. I left her over night and she seemed fine, until the engine warmed up. Then the same thing would happen. Anyone have any idea’s? Could the cable need replacing? Or do you think a bit of cable oil will do the trick? Any help would be MUCH appreciated as always!! Thanks
Can anyone with engine bars on their XVS650 PLEASE help??!
Thanks Taskmaster. The 2 I went too couldn't help - they were Yam Dealers though. Will try a customs shop THANKS
Can anyone with engine bars on their XVS650 PLEASE help??!
Thanks for the offer keith mate - helpful as always! I've taken the bolts into 2 places so far and they couldn't help Thanks for the help NSD - really useful info. Will measure up and have a little look ok eBay. If not, like Noise says, there HAS to be a bits and bolts shop somewhere! Breakers yard perhaps?? THANKS again guys
My Bobber project
Hahaha my jeans almost went up too Keith! I've got the turndowns....probably shouldwrap them. Glad your getting the Springer mate!! Gona be such a beast!!!
Can anyone with engine bars on their XVS650 PLEASE help??!
One of the bolts I need is one of the 2 that secure the footpeg bracket - but a longer version (by abouthalf an inch). And the other 2 I need are the 2 thinner, longer bolts which are located higher than the 2 footpeg ones Does anyone know where I can find these or what size/type they are? THANKS
Can anyone with engine bars on their XVS650 PLEASE help??!
Hello all, I have a set of 2nd hand engine bars for my XVS650 Custom, but I can't fit them as they did not come with bolts and the original bolts are too short! I need both the top and the bottom mounting bolts and can't find them anywhere! Does ANYONE have any idea of how I can get hold of some longer ones? Or perhaps one of you lovely people know what bolt Type/size/length I need to be looking for? ANY help would be MUCH appreciated Thanks in advance Nicky
Horn not working on XVS650
Sorry Leatherat - posted my last comment before I noticed your detailed response!!! THANKS!!! Will check the fuse and then try all that when I get home! Thanks Keith as well...knew I could rely on you guys!!
Horn not working on XVS650
Just thought - I haven't even checked the fuse!!! Well - presuming it is not the fuse - anyone have any other ideas? THANKS
Horn not working on XVS650
Hello all! was just wondering if anyone can help - I recently purchased an XVS650 and the horn doesn't work. I unplugged the connections and lightly filed off any corrosion on the connection pins, however, still no joy. The actual horn is rusty in places - do you think it needs replacing? or do you think it could be the connection? Does anyone have any ideas or know what I should be doing to test? If purchasing a new horn, I presume I can just replace with a universal motorcycle horn? I'm guessing a 12V horn should be ok for this bike? Please can anyone confirm? ANY help/advice would be MUCH appreciated! THANKS as always, Nick
Hi Paul, Thank for your detailed reply - your rims look GREAT!!! Will sand back and then decide whether to clear coat or paint Thanks again for your help and ideas - MUCH appreciated
Also Paul, if you went for the steel coloured enamel paint, did you go for the gloss or matt? How did it look? Thanks
My Bobber project
My Bobber project
My Bobber project
My Bobber project
I think I'll keep the 650 for riding 2UP and will start up a bobber project when I can get my hands on a new bike...got any more room in that conservatory?? Will upload some pics of your bike so far...
My Bobber project
KEITH my man! GREAT to see you have started a thread for your bobber project – you’ve got a fair bit to do but it’s already looking like a BEAST! I’ve still got those pic’s you sent to my phone – let me know if you want me to upload them Look forward to seeing this thread progress – you’ve definitely inspired me to start thinking about my first bobber project but seeing as I’ve just acquired some of your spares (THANKS AGAIN BY THE WAY), then I may as well go about making my 650 look like a “two wheeled house” HAHAHA!!! Maybe one day I will pass them onto someone else on here and start my own thread ay GOODLUCK mate – I know the bike is gona be a winner!!!! Nick
Thanks guys - Much appreciated! Think I am going to have to opt for the wire brush and sandpaper. Has anyone heard of or used VACTAN? I've heard great things about that product - may give that a whirl too. It eats/converts the rust and turns it black and primed ready to paint. Paul - what enamel paint did you use on the spokes and was it steel coloured? THANKS!
Hello! Hope you are all well! I've noticed some areas of rusting on the wheels of my XVS650 as well as on the frame (swing arm section) and was wondering if anyone has delt with the problem before? I know there are many different options (steel wool, sandpaper, vinegar, foil and coke!), however, my plan was to try the following: FRAME: Rub down with steel brush Clean with soapy water Rub with sandpaper/copper wool Apply Vactan Paint over Anyone have any thoughts on how effective the above might be? Not sure if anyone has used Vactan or a similar rust converter? I've heard good things though. I would need to repaint after application - does anyone know the paint code or where I can get matching paint for my black xvs650? A brush on would be easier than a spray on. WHEELS: Now this is going to be a little harder as the rust is on some of the spokes. I could brush off as much rust as I can, vactan and then paint with Steel Wheels. Has anyone used this or similar paint? Does it actually recreate that steel colour well??? Another option is to paint black or another colour and then clear coat? Does anyone have any ideas or know of any decent products which might help? As always - MUCH appreciated!
XVS 650 Over haul
Hi Keith, Hope your well mate Just wondering if you received my PM re. The 650 parts?? Thanks Nicky
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Hi Keith Did you get my PM? Thanks Nicky
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Thanks!! Nick
XVS650 Customisation - Engine Bars, Sissy Bar, Rack, Tank Cover and Seats!
Will do! Thanks again