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Everything posted by mitch500

  1. check to see it the magneto is generating electricity to the spark plug.... on my dt125 i had kinda the same issues... i would kick it over and over and over it would not start... a few times it started up but then bogged out and died.... turns out the PO grounded the magneto with a wire to the head fins and it got all dirty and corroded causing a grounding issue..... anyways i took the magneto out and cleaned the contacts and re-installed it with a new bracket so it stayed in place and grounded properly to the frame. 1st kick after that it started right up. also check that the tube on the top of the carb that goes to the fuel petcock is connected.
  2. alright, thanks guys. -recently just changed the brakes front and rear. -re-mounted the magneto( it was being grounded by a wire before to the head fins.) -cleaned up rats nest of wiring.. -removed gauges(they were not working and smashed up) -replaced rear carrier bushing. -lubed every rotating part. -changed oil gave it a bath and its still a little oily. going to get some grease remover and re-do it.... things still to do. -fix minor 2 stroke oil leak from inside the side engine cover. -fix exhaust leak, this beast is loud. -new spark plug -needs new rubber front and rear... something a little more aggressive. all in all that will be it... there will be no restore on this bike.... it is a beater and will remain looking like one... fancy bikes like to get stolen on this island... i did take it for a good 3 hour ride up into the mountains up 45+ degree hills(up and down) crossed a few streams. rode it on the beach in the sand, and bogged it into some marshes... i have to say this bike is pretty solid.. its +32c here and she had no problems running or starting.
  3. ok so i believe its 125 also i have been reading how to de-restrict the DT125 but some of those mods seem to not be for the motor i have....... is this the CDI box that can be modified that i reading to allow me some more power... of so what the procedure...
  4. just picked up a DT for $250... i live in the dominican republic and not to sure what i have here.... everything on this island is molested or held together with bubble gum. anyways my papers says its a 1997 dt 175. but the im pretty sure the motor is a 125, switched out at some point. the bike is a little rugged in some places, gauges don't work, head light fairing missing, taillight gone... but for the most part it runs. now the question im asking is, can any of you help me identify my bike.:-) thanks here are some pics.