Everything posted by liquidcooled
alright guys how's things with you all? we got a black lab pup a couple of months back, any of you got any idea's how to stop him lifting and chewing kitchen lino? i'm at the end of my tether repairing it sensible comments appreciated
The PNW is finally White!
global warming is kicking in big time all over. nice pics mate
My YZF 750R
love the yzf. and that honda is pretty cool looks like it could be fun to raz about on
hi there!
everything's great guys. got our house finally the way we want it. getting married july 14th! and yeah still running the cb back and forward to work every day rain or shine, although less of the shine what's been happening with all you guys?
hi there!
no problem merv i'm just glad to have helped. you'd be welcome to pop in for a visit anytime you're in my part of the country mate
i have a new form of transport
that's about the gayest thing i've ever seen mossy. has it got a dildo built in to the drivers seat?
Ode to a Friend....
i miss my rd all the time scott. these things have to be done sometimes though i guess
hi there!
rememeber me?! what's the craic everyone? been a long time since i was here! thanks scott for the email with your blog mate, made a very interesting read. btw i'm still a real biker and more hardcore than half you f**kwits who doubt it
- i got a new toy
Sierra De Segura Revisited!
hi pete! what have you got now then?? i'm commuting and doing runs at the weekend on my '78 cb550/4 still.having loads of fun racking up the miles on it, really fun wee bike.my dads mate used to own it we found out too which is nice btw the gsxrs gone now so its gay honda, no shitzuki, shared car with vikki and back to basics. just how i like it
Top 10
yep a whole lot to pick from.here's mine- joey dunlop hailwood saarinen rossi hizzy lawson schwantz doohan foggy sheene
Sierra De Segura Revisited!
you lucky bugger pete! lovely scenery, cool roads and a gleaming xt!
It's Yamahead's 44th birthday!
happy birthday scott.all the best to you mate
back on the road again
the gsxr is still here mate. was waiting for a screen for it to come before i can sell it. and thanks merv
back on the road again
well for the past 2 weeks i've been commuting by bike again. that cb55o i mentioned.....well i bought it. tax and mot'd. 1978, standard apart from motad exhaust and hagon shocks. lovely old bike to ride and i'm glad to be back on 2 wheels. even if it is a gay honda
New Buy saying Hi
I've pass my bike test!!
well done john
about fucking time
planet mozz is one fucked up place
thanks guys! and cheers for the email scott sorry i havent had time to be around much lately. been helluva busy with the house move etc not really had any net time. now here's some good news.....i'm going back to being a die hard biker went out on the gsxr the other day and couldnt believe how great it was or how much i've missed it. vikki's got a good fairly new car so i'm getting rid of mine and the gsxr and getting something fairly cheap and basic for commuting and going runs with my dad. tbh we can only afford to run one car and i'm happier with bikes. any ideas or suggestions for a bike are welcome guys, really dont know what to start looking for
hi guys!
no she's a new one, been with her 9 months now i think works locally, 22 tall dark hair blue eyes....my type tbh honest i'm really happy the way things are going, she's spot on and i dont get hassled. i'd have never thought about getting engaged before but with her it's right.
hi guys!
i'm still here although it's been ages!! me and vikki have got engaged about a month ago, and i'm in the process of decorating the cottage we've recently got. it's a lovely little 3 bedroom in the country with her horses in the field right next to us, and a massive garden/drive. sold my rd still got the gixxer although i've had all the fairing etc fixed so its not going to be a streetfighter, it's actually going to be sold soon as i fancy an old ujm and going back to the basics of what i love about bikes. for transport at the moment i've got a very clean mk2 golf gti which is really handy but i really need to get another bike for summer. anyway thought it was about time i took a moment to show face. hope you are all keeping well and hope to here more from you all soon
wtf is going on
fao alex
really like that last pic pete. its a smart bike
- fao alex
fao mods and admin
express yourself with words mate. it will do you the power of good! maybe pete or alex will see what they can do...