Everything posted by Tomo
that makes me feel a bit better as i was running late at the point I was looking to make contact. It was a fantastic weekend with some amazing roads and scenery. Just need to get some new tyres now. Pics to follow but I am having problems uploading for some reason.
Number noted. I will drop you a txt around lunchtime saturday Oh yes
I will, fingers crossed, have plenty of pics to post when I get back. Got my place to stay sorted for friday night and saturday night so just need to make a few notes so its not just a case of following the bloomin sat nav. How do you know I have had a rubbish week at work lol
Fingers crossed I intend on being at or guess to being at Glencoe for around 3pm if you fancy meeting up. Well the plan is to have lunch at Lochgilphead and then then do the north road of Loch Awe.
- Noobe Intro
Craking area and road as well Although I will be going off to Scotland for a ride this weekend
Just to give you an idea of approximate route
Cheers. I am getting a route done now so just need to try and work out if the times will be ok with being able to have plenty of rest and enjoy a few places. lunch stop etc. Then I will post the route. Always happy to meet up with people.
Been a rough few weeks at work at the minute so just need to get away from it all really. Thinking of heading up to Beattock friday night after work as I have people I can stay with and then I have a full day to play on Saturday then back home Sunday. This pic was the inspiration for the ride I found it from their web site. http://www.dvla-som.co.uk/vista/
Anyone been? Thinking of going a ride up there this weekend.....
xmas toy runs in the midlands
Not sure of anything but if you hear let me know so I can get it posted on my forum. Thanks
Who or what is "fazerdai"
That just looks like heaven. I do love the pics you post.
Bikeless in Dagosville!
I didn't think it was too difficult to re plate other than the fact you have to pay tax as you would do if you were to purchase a pre registered Spanish vehicle?
HI I'm f*ckin new tard!
Yes I coud believe that actually. But on the point about the 196 in 6.5 secons Not sure on the exact time but I was at Santa Pod raceway the other weekend and there were some awesome times. All be it extended swing arms etc but non the less some frightening times for road legal machines. Having said that a stock zzr 14 or busa cutting a 9.6 would be more than fast enough for me.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
I really dont know who you are or where you are from but one word springing to mind is I like all bikes in whatever variety they come in. Why don't you just accept the fact we are not all the same and stick with what you enjoy.
HI I'm f*ckin new tard!
Why do I get the feeling that you and Zoomsplat1982 are the same person. Or you know each other at the very least. How about if you don't like the bike then do not post on the forum. Show me a road legal harley the will do a 196mph 1/4 in 6.5 seconds and I might be interested.
Exit the XT.....Enter the TDM!
Sounds like a business to get into
Exit the XT.....Enter the TDM!
Looks like a cracking machine and that some history on it. Will you register it in Spain or keep it as a UK reg. I guess the major downside being the registering it as Spanish you have to pay the duty based on there book value and not what you paid.
Santa Pod, Extreme Performance Bike weekend
Pics here
this weekends run
Any pics to share with us?
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
What a
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
I wanted to reply to this thread but I dont think I need to after reading that But why the fuck post on a Yamaha forum if thats all you have to say? I am a general fan of bikes whatever form they may come in but I chose to ride a sports bike. Thats called personal preference.
First ride abroad
I would take a look on www.horizonsunlimited.com Enjoy I can't wait to get over to Spain again on my bike next year
R6 New owner, seeking bike meets
Hi Alex welcome to the forum. Shame I am a bit too far north.
height weight for an r6
You got a dam good deal there!