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Everything posted by 78caferacer

  1. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    Wow i guess i would probably have to get someone to help me on this.man i was really exited with this caferacer project when i saw the show on discovery channel the worst thing is that i already invested over $1,000 o well it is what it is. i check compression today again and the left side stay on 0 the right goes up to 70 so i will do both sides. thanks for your help Drewpy.
  2. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    yes someone talked me the same thing since i get low compression on that side and when i disconnect the crank case hose to the carbs the bike idles but it shuts off when i connect it,also the spark plug on that side always look smoked. how hard is it to fix? i really want to be able to ride it at its full potential or can it be driven like that at least until the winter that is if is to complicated a job to do for someone with no experience but mechanically incline? i need your opinion my friends.
  3. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    no i haven't check if they are led lights only and no the relay box doesn't make a noise. thanks....
  4. 78caferacer posted a post in a topic in Classics
    why is there oily smoke coming out of the crank case by the hose going to the carbs. im trying to used pod filters! . when i leave the carb connections the original way there are traces of oil on the left side filter,now remember i mention there is very low compression on the left side. anybody can help?
  5. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    yes im sorry,i mean my cables are black and green their cables are 3 red,black,and black and white. isn't my battery a 12 volts?cause i try all connections and all it does is steady light.it doesn't blink.
  6. thank you Drewpy. this is taking forever if is not one thing is another. but i getting to know the bike i guess. Thanks..
  7. 78caferacer posted a post in a topic in Classics
    i bought aftermarket signal lights that i don't know how to connect to my 78 xs400. they have 3 cables red,bloke and bloke with white stripe. my original only 2 green and bloke. when i connect the new light stays on don't blink. where should the cables go.
  8. Hi guys! I just replace my starter and after riding around the block the bike was leaking oil. your comments were really helpful, i will check Ace hardware for the O ring and if anybody knows what the part# is for gasket for the cover where the starter chain is i will appreciated. thanks...
  9. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    ok so it seems that it was the starter motor. it was blown,i got a new used one from Ebay. put the bike together today,but still wont idle.i put those pod filters on the carbs and im waiting for a 12mm for the vent under the the carbs,now let me ask you something.Why is there oily smoke coming out of that vent under the carbs,if i use the pod filters and leave that vent open(not connected to the carbs)the bike idles but o lot of oily smoke comes out, if i put the stock filter and connect the hose from that vent , it wont idle and when i shut it off oily smoke comes out the left carb or filter and muffler ,this is the side where i get no compression. What do you think??????..
  10. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    so i check the valves and they were wrong too close, so i did it right this time but now im looking to see where i can find the right gap for the points. last time just by turning the inanition to the ON position the Main fuse will get really hot.i got a new charge battery and when i try to start it it only does half a spin to the engine and the fuse will get even hotter. as we speak i'm taking the starter apart to see if there is something burn. they said the starter is what causes the fuse to get hot.What should i look for on the starter and how do i fix it if this is the problem? Thanks again JimR.
  11. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    Thanks o Lot JimR, i will as soon as i get a chance, will let you know how it went.Cant wait to ride
  12. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    ok yes, how do you do the valve adjustment? where do you start? Thanks..
  13. 78caferacer replied to 78caferacer's post in a topic in Classics
    I know i don't even make sense any more. Ok why do the spark plug look smoke after a few minutes of riding? i heard of oil on the tip but not smoke.
  14. 78caferacer posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi guys i have already introduce my self a couple of weeks ago and since then i haven't been able to ride. first it didn't idle and i also noticed low compression on the right just by putting my hand on the exhaust,i went and adjust it the valves but i think i may be a little bit off not much.However compression was the same (hand feel),the only thing that change some how the left sound it aggressive and louder still didn't idle,one more thing i just got a new battery because i had to jump start it with my car all the time,i don't know if is ok to jump it with the car but i did until it wont even turn any more with the jump so i got a new battery. I'M A MESS I also took the carbs apart and spray cleaned but i notice the floats were not level so i try to even them.Now wont even start,i finally check the compression took spark plug off and attach the tool, kick 4 times.Left 60-rigth 0000 I put little oil on left went up to 90-Right up to 30. Been reading o lot and everybody says piston rings but i will adjust the valves better and also would check the points. AHH ALMOST FORGOT THE LEFT THAT SHOWS NO COMPRESSION, ITS SPARK PLUG ALWAYS LOOK SMOKE SO IM THINKING IS NOT FIRING PROPERLY. or running lean?HOW DO I CHECK SPARK? PLEASE HELP SUMMER IS ALREADY HERE I WANT TO RIDE!
  15. thank you guys is really good to b here
  16. 78caferacer posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    i guys my name is luis im riding a 1978 xs 400. used to ride a 2004 cbr1000 and a 2007 999s ducati. i lost my job and had to sell them.now i found this one for $500 and trying to make it into a caferacer,i tell you what i like the challenge and i'm enjoying it. i live in long island New York. thanks guys you really help.
  17. 78caferacer posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    can anybody direct me to the right website for a carb rebuild kit for my 1978 xs 400, just bought it but it does not idle
  18. 78caferacer replied to James in Atlanta's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi guys are just bought the same bike xs400 1978 and is weird im having the same problem bike starts but wont idle,as we speak i'm looking for a carburator repair kit,my friend saids we should repair it, the bike was sitting for a while.