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Everything posted by Kelum

  1. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Can I contact Yamaha Company for things I need to know? Do they offer help in English?
  2. Kelum posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    01. My bike's label on the frame says it's XV 125S...But the XV 125S shown in xv 125s manual is a different one...my bike's year of manufacture is 2004. Mine has the look of a XV 125...is this possible guys..please refer following images.. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us 02. This little leaver at the left fake air filter is unknown..it has some throttle like sign on it, but doesnt mention its choke or anything..a cable runs from it towards carburetor.. Uploaded with ImageShack.us can someone tell me the what the function of it? 03. I noticed today that the left Air filter is fake..it is just a hollow duplicate of the actual right one whose manifold runs to the engine through bike's frame..is this the case with all viragos..? I dont see anything inside left air filter..think it's been added for aesthetic/personality purposes of the bike..am I right? I have few more things to ask on the queue..please help guys.. Kelum
  3. Can that cause such a problem??? last time I my rectifier was blown off by water..
  4. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Ok buddy, will follow your advices..tc..!
  5. Hi thank you very much for the information..reading all..will post problems once reading done..
  6. The lever is in ON position and I think its quite ok, I didnt play with it anyway so it's in correct position I guess. Could you explain me what PRI and RES positions are and which is the best position? Petrol level is ok..there's no pro with it... I see some CHOKE like thing at the right air filter of the bike, it has this black plastic lever on which some throttle like sign is..a cable runs towards fuel lines from it...is this the CHOKE? I think I accidentally played with it so I have screwed it all up? Also someone here told me the extra frontward button at the left of the handle is the Flash button..what does it flash? I pressed it while riding but nothing happens..is it for the high beam? how can I get it fixed..? Thanks chris! B)
  7. Hello people... Been several days now...mostly when I ride at 5th...say my bike speeds at 50kmph...suddenly it slows down just like gas throttle shuts and cuts off fuel flow..it slows a bit and again starts to run normally..this happens few times normally..this happens when I dont shift gears. It happens even in low gears..but doesnt seem to affect much..bike suddenly slows down and in few second it becomes normal.. I wonder if clutch cable is loose or something..May be throttle cable...hope it is not a huge engine issue..can someone help? Can someone guide me on this? I recently bought this bike so dont know what is going on...dont know what damage is within...but I wanna get all the issues fixed by and by... Thanks in advance... :(
  8. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi thank you very much for the valuable info...tc! :)
  9. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hey hey it wasnt my one, I just wanted to show you my bike type, I found it on web thats all...I was frightened of the fact that you said it could be chinese... thanks for the replies mate!
  10. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi friend, I require a complete gasket set real badly.My bike having oil leaks as seals seem to hve deteriorated..for rear sockets I think commonly available Indian stuff of same height would do... Thanks for your info..
  11. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    This is exactly my model, will post pics of mine once I get a camera.. http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/yamaha_xv_125_virago_2000.php
  12. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Now you have started to frighten me.... Yes..I was referring to ebay where people buy all the stuff...or find anything without hazzle..I have seen many comments on ebay's service..people buy stuff so commonly using the website... You just shocked me...my bike's first owners details include that the year of manufacture of this bike is 2004,, but it doesnt have the look of a Dragstar or XVS 125..bike doesnt seem to be of Chinese origin..it doesnt have that inferior features of Chinese bikes..has the first owner used wrong info to register the bike? Or had Yamaha still produced XV 125s parallelly? I dont think Chinese buggers produced or produce bikes of this sort or engines of this power..I see many chinese bikes cheap here and of course they are cruiser types..but really bad stupid small engines.. Mine seems genuine and its no joke...how can I find this out? Also am troubled with the fact that these bikes do not have a main stand..is there a solution? :o :)
  13. Kelum replied to Kelum's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    see here even parts are shown for xv125 1997-01 models..do they go with 2004 models? :( :( http://motorcycleproducts.co.uk/catalogue/199701-xv125-parts-virago-c-2070_5056_5057.html
  14. Hi guys, Have you guys ever bought spares from ebay? Can you trust those and them? It is not easy to find Virago parts in Sri Lanka..may have to all across the island to find parts..there are disassemblers of Jpanese bikes from whom u could get certain parts but not all..I bought the rectifier for my bike from such a place..they are original..not chinese crap.. But you cannot find all the parts you need in these places, I searched ebay and saw the gasket set I need badly as my engine has some oil leakages...what is the buying procedure at ebay like? I am newbie to online buying...it seems costly as there's a postage fee too... My bike is a 2004 one..but I have seen everywhere on the web the mention of xv 125 of years 1996 to 2000 or so or XVS 125 serious..but never bikes including 2004...xv 125 parts match all the xv 125s? I mean bikes from all these years of manufacture? Sorry for bad English... Please help me guys..thank you all
  15. Whats the situation chris?
  16. Rectifier working? First charge your battery externally and then hook it up to the bike and see when engine revs if the bike can charge the battery..if it cannot charge then the rectifier should be responsible..
  17. Sealed? Doesnt it have nobs so you can pour some distilled water? Well I've never seen such man... tc!
  18. Take out the battery and you can see the liquid level..check if its below the minimum level..battery cover should be semi transparent...
  19. Your battery may not be holding the charge..look on the electrolyte level...your machine doesnt start at all? Does the rectifier heat up? Rectifier should be working well if you get a voltage increase when engine revs...
  20. Well Chris, this voltage is ok, I had the same reading on voltmeter after installing new rectifier..you shouldnt worry! But if you doubt too much, you should ask from an electrician... Cheers!
  21. Hi Paul, wow..thanks a lot for the answer dear friend...I should get all of these fixed soon...need to keep my bike healthy..
  22. Hi friends... My Virago bought recently having some issues and there are some switches I need to know about. This is a 2004 model so I think it should be of XVS breed.. 01. I have noticed lot of engine oil around the engine..it's all over belly of the engine, two heads (pins) and oil level seem to reduce heavily...is this a problem with sealants? Do I have to consider opening engine and place some new sealents to avoid this? Right after I got home today I noticed a considerable oil splash apparently seeped from rear head....which frightened me..must add some oil fast.. 02. Earlier owners seem to have welded silencers underside..corrosions on silencers are strange just like they have been caused by some acid like fluid..lower silencer seems to have had tough time against hard materials such as concrete or rocks..lot of scratches underside..can anyone comment on this situation? 03. Been looking for the choke..found some lever attached to a cable in the throttle area which apparently is the choke, the lever sits on top of the left air cleaner ( the big ball-like structures on front left and right are air cleaners???) 04. At the left of the handle there are some switches- horn, turning,headlight...there's an additional switch (pink one)somewhat forward of which I dont know the function..can someone help please? 05. Front sockets of the bike cause the handle to make me feel some jolty 'taka taka ' feeling and sound when traveling, specially on jolty roads..is this normal? Operation is smooth on even road.. 06. One of the rear sockets has bent somewhat..and when offroad the bike is very jolty..I saw somewhere that viragos do not perform good when offroad..can I go for better shock absorbers or I should remain with the original type? Am sure you guys have gone through lot of repairs and experiences on Viragos..please help me understand my bike..these are the issues am having currently..I wanna get these fixed really fast..please help me.. :blink:
  23. May I know how slightly? Check electrolyte level of the battery..I think its battery...
  24. My case is totally solved..I had several runs after replacing the rectifier and no issues arisen. It appears my washing killed the rectifier..electrician asked me to protect interior electronics from water..specially during jet washing. But you should wash your bike anyway, how would you face this? U cant cover it as it has to dissipate heat? How the rectifier was tested.. By the time I got to the electrician the battery was totally dead. (Initially at this stage..when you press the starter button, the motor sounded like it was reving freely..later when battery was totally dead..there was very thin sound..) Hope many of you have experienced this.. Then in order to test the rectifier you need to rev the engine..so we took a good battery and fixed its poles to corresponding poles of the bike's battery, then started it...next we checked if engine charging the battery by placing a voltmeter and found it wasnt charging. So we figured out that the rectifier was faulty. Next we charged the bike's battery to the full, then hooked it up to the bike and fixed the new rectifier..started the bike and checked with voltmeter if the bike was charging the battery..at this point the voltmeter read battery's voltage as 13.5V or so which proved the battery was being charged and the fault was with the rectifier.. So...I am here back on ma bike riding..cheers and thanx for all who helped.. Hope this thread would help someone! :)
  25. Hi all, yes the rectifier was the problem, I had to go to a place where they disassemble Japanese bikes to get the same matching rectifier..now it works fine.. This rectifier issue came up right after a washing...does water kill rectifiers..electrician also asked me to protect circuitry from water...is that true..? The rectifier cost me 40USD...It was an original Japanese part disassembled from some virago.. The person at parts store told me even Honda hornet rectifiers would work on Virago..is that true? what other rectifiers go with xv125?