Everything posted by Kelum
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
Am talking about the following place of the front cylinder mate. The rear cylinder having the leak on the same place shown, but since its not get splashed by water..it doesnt cause issues, only the front.. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
I think you made a good guess on exhaust from front cylinder mate, there is an oil leak from the front cylinder, right where exhaust coming out..when I wash that place is washed very well to remove mud (as here some rural roads are gravel)..and when riding in the rain that place is soaked all the time with front wheel's splashing water.. Could this be the reason? is there a gasket at that point? How should I work on it?
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
Hi Guys..I checked both spark plugs today..the front cylinder one had some carbon on it and it was a bit black..the rear cylinder one was white..so I thought if the miss and the fut fut sound were due to a spark plus issue, changing front spark plug to the rear cylinder would transfer the problem to back...I just thought it would solve the problem.. But it didnt..with rear spark plug on it even, the front cylinder still farts...and I heard some tappet-like noise too..I think some big issue is on the front cylinder..oil leaks in both cylinders..so am thinking I should check the ignition coil..this problem comes only if you washed the bike or drove in the rain, so water has to have something to do with the problem... And when I rev the bike am getting some smoke too.. Please leave what you know
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
Nope, probably next week...how do u remove the gas tank mate, I mean there are lot of hoses going under side, so am kinda scared..to remove it and have a better look..
yamaha xv 125 virago MPG?
??? get an extra gallon, fill the tank with a gallon, set your meter to zero..(the knob)..and ride till bike stops...check the meter, use extra fuel to get back home..do I sound stupid, I dont get the english guys use here sometimes..
U shouldnt toy with carb mate...may e u could consider number of teeth changes in sprockets?...
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
What is Arnolds Yamaha mate, Arnold Shwarzenneger?? Please put a complete side view pic...
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
could u post a full side view pic mate, I wanna see how good the exhaust look with the rest..
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
That exhaust is a great idea..very simple construction I guess..I wanna browse to see how a silencer interior is..isnt that just a pipe? or are there some special foldings or constructions to reduce engine beat? But mate, the side view wouldnt give the bike its masculine/personality without long silencers ha..? But mate bike doesnt look that bad...great piece! :)
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
Danzley you have taken lot of pain ta help me mate, thanx a lot, I may be able to find a similar washer...there could be many reasons to my bike's issue, at fixya.com I saw the same issue been answered and there they say its the wet coils causing that..but I will consider all..thing is am scared of removing gas tank..I mean there are many hoses running under.. Thanks a lot..hey I was wondering, ur bike looks very old..is there anyway to give it a good look, my chrome parts also are kinda discolored..but mine looking great...you can request any help bro..just leave a message..thanx again..
What is this in my left Air Cleaner? A condenser or a relay?
However, the early owner or some unknown force has unplugged it, cant find connectors that fit with the thing...
Overloads possible in XV 125's headlight wire leads?
Oh seems thats the case, Xenon bulbs require more amperage? I put a Halogen one with same wattage..it still works (since yesterday )Will check fuses..but if the Xenon drew more current fuse should blow out right, but fuse seems to be ok as the second bulb still lights up...
Overloads possible in XV 125's headlight wire leads?
The bulb was a 12V/60-55W Xenon one..Yes fuses are ok, I should check all once again..
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Overloads possible in XV 125's headlight wire leads?
Hi I replaced Headlight's bulb with a Xenon bulb which gave a very bright beam two days ago, but last night when I was riding at night it blew off..both filaments burned out..is it possible for some electrical problem the leads can bring a higher voltage to the bulb?....thank you people..
Tubeless vs Standard tires
I said so because here people say you could only make spokeless rims tubeless. That's an interesting thing to know.
Tubeless vs Standard tires
My bike's rims do not have spokes..so they are compatible with tubeless tires. But I have seen many stupid Indian bikers here riding tubeless...no issues.. I even have seen when they get punctures fixed...it doesnt take long as with the standard tube tires..very efficient..
Tubeless vs Standard tires
I had to replace the rear tire today...it was a bit tough to find 15- 130/ 90 tire here since all the tire stores were flooded with 17 size Indian tires. I bought a Korean tire which cost me almost 80 USD and had no option to chose from. It was a tubeless tire and the shop guy asked if It was ok to make rear tire tubeless, I had this feeling it would be something superior so I said yes..now the rear is tubeless. I read some advantages on the internet. What do you guys think, tubeless over standard? Have I been dumb?
Links and Manuals to Various bikes including Yamaha
Hi, I found this super cool site where you have links to manuals and technical stuff of almost all bike models in the world. Specially the Virago stuff will be useful. http://www.dansmc.com/shopmanual2.htm Enjoy...
Sachs R 125 Exhaust (same as 125 / 250 XV)?
I dont know your bike, but you should check xv 125/ 250 manuals to decide mate!
3 wires coming out of 125 XV Carb?
Nope, xvs125 manual..
3 wires coming out of 125 XV Carb?
And this..XVS125 and XV125 engines are all the same as others here say.. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
3 wires coming out of 125 XV Carb?
Hope this helps mate!
Virago XV 125 CDI Unit repair
The diagram is in the XV250 manual mate..cheers!
Some ODD noise in front cylinder - xv125
Yeah yeah I need to check plugs first, will buy the tool tomorrow, I often had the oil-on plug issue that stopped the bike running with my early Honda benly 125. So I used to keep a needle, sand paper and plug removing tool ready for cleaning carbon buildups on plug everywhere I went. Bike has completed around 41000kms, the reading on the tacho was 34000 when I was buying it. The CDI unit is having only 6 connectors. But the xv250 unit having 8. My bike doesnt have a side stand switch, may be the first owner has removed original stand or it originally didnt have one. Thanx for the reply let me try what u've suggested...