Hello and good afternoon to all
I have been a car driver since the age of 17....im now 29 - where did the time go?
well, anyways, as I was nearing my mid-life crisis, I decided to undertake a huge trip with 2 other people in a 1 liter nissan micra - nicknamed the ghengis car - I drove from london UK to Ulaanbator, Mongolia. After a lot of planning, countless visas, lots of american dollars, corrupt border officials and everything going wrong.....5 weeks later I arrived at UB, tired, dirty, smelly, proud and somewhat fragile after eating nothing but mutton and noodles for a whole week.
Upon my arrival I decided 9813 miles wasn't enough, I got my arse over to Beijing china, from there I touched down on the other side of the world and continued east until I hit the sea......There, I had what can only be described as a revelation: I'm getting a bike.
My girfriend met me in Beijing and I told her my plan - She thought it was the stress of the trip and an idea that would be forgotten upon my return to London. Shooting for the stars I guess.
Anyways, i got back, 2 weeks laterI booked myself on a CBT course locally - thinking this is the minimum I need to scratch my itch.
Having no riding experience (except being a passanger on a friends fire blade and 2 scooter rentals in cyprus and rome). I summoned the balls to go manual instead of the automatic. I done some research and decided on an Aprilia RS125 as the bike earmarked to start this epic journey upon completion of my CBT, but.....out of nowhere, I met the YBR 125 - the bike im doing my CBT on.
Needless to say I had half a day of pleasure and my instructor was fantastic (west london training school)- out on the road wired up to my instructor and his words of wisdom in my ear gave confidence to ride naturally. My instructor was happy with my riding and recommended I go on to do a DAS - which only strengthened my resolve to become a fully fledged rider!
fast forward 2 weeks and now I am the proud owner of a metallic grey Yamaha YBR 125. I picked it up yesterday at 4pm, 5pm I was out of the show room with a standard helmet, jacket, gloves, a couple of stalls (false neutral) and rode down the A316 limiting myself to 5000rpm to not damage the engine heading home. I got home, parked up, inside the house I felt a little lost, so I jumped back on the bike and just rode for 60 odd miles through streets, country lanes, dual carriage ways and whatever I can find to test out the bike.....Even though at the moment I can only get up to about 40 MPH I still managed to have alot of fun.
The more I ride the bike the better I feel at riding. This morning I was getting ready to go to work and decided to take a 7 mile detour as it was such a beautiful morning - and I really was not disappointed.
Anyways....I know I'm far from being a biker yet - im under no illusions and I know maybe the novelty will wear off and all im going to do is be grumpy about rain and the cold, aching legs and ect....
However, for the first time in years, I can honestly say I never had a commute so good. The vents on my helmet made my face cold but that smile was still there.
I joined the forum last night just to read some threads about how to take better care of my ybr until I upgrade next summer (maybe). But it seems like there's a "fight club" scene in which is all to alien to me - hence the point of this article.
I would like to apologise if this wasted your time, I would also like to apologise about all the stupid questions I will post on here.