Everything posted by goldstar0011
Crime doesn't pay
Police update, guys was charged and already had a court apperance
YBR125 starter relay
Crime doesn't pay
Got up this morning, geared up for ride to work, went out to bike, looking at it something was different, hang on, where's the reg plate!! Not in the garden fallen off, I know it was very secure, so where? Nicked I guessed, thinking "oh well" decided best report in case of fraud. Always had opinion police are too busy for the little crimes (£200 car stereo robbed, not even a call back), but today, had several call backs asking finer details. Last call off an inspector of a sort called me thanking me for the info and reporting as they've been able to nick someone they've been monitoring. He was on a silver Yamaha like mine but with my plate! Just had the "CSI" dusting bike for anything and sign a statement. Funny how I though little of the situation to realise how serious and how I could been affected later if that person/bike was involved in crime or speeding! Feel I've helped the course of justice! lol
Newbie on a Yamaha YBR125
Great intro! I once planned to do the Mongolia Rally in a 1L micra but plans failed after the micra was written off thanks to rust! Scratched my heat shield after a small fall, resprayed it a nice matt black and now thankst to the mrs's poor parking and it being dark I scratched it again! Ah well
YBR125 starter relay
Howdy The button start on my YBR125 (2005) stopped while ago and finally diagnosed it to be starter relay Are the relays on all years the same or do I need a 2005 only one? Thanks Gary
YBR125 start button stopped
Howdy Not long after getting the YBR125 the starter button has since stopped working, kick start is fine. Am not very experienced in kick diagnostics (but have car experience) what checks should I be doing? Thanks
YBR125, what am I missing
Where do I get it form though, no idea what am looking for
YBR125, what am I missing
Thanks Now I just need to get one of something to use to lock panel in place
YBR125, what am I missing
Howdy Recently bought a YBR125 as my first bike, has a few minor things to fix or replace but the one thing am stuck on sorting is circled red below, what am I missing? Thanks