Everything posted by bindie
mot - exhaust
my xv535 failed for the exhaust being stamped "not for highway use"(i never realised this and it had passed the last 2 yrs at the same garage),after some kind advice from another forum i was informed that a little bit of tape over the offending words would be enough for it to pass.......it did and only got an advisory for being loud so if anyone has this problem it might help.
Welcome,just noticed this is topic 666 ...... cant wait for the pics
Fuel System Cleaner
Added the fuel stabiliser prior to winter, bike has been started every week just wondering if possibly running a cleaner would benefit the bike
Fuel System Cleaner
hi, fuel system cleaner, loads on the market, can anyone recommend a particular one, i'm only wanting to use one to help break down any sh*tty gummy stuff that could be lurking its been a long winter..
New Speed Enforcement
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Puncture Safe
sorry blonde moment,..or not enough alcohol
Puncture Safe
Quick question re: puncturesafe.. Can it be used on tubed tyres ???? or does it have to coat the tyre wall.
Scottish Bike Show
anyone planning on going, (not a long trip for me only about 10 mls) tickets can be bought in advance or hang off for any 2 for 1 promo codes
sick little dragstar
not very good at geek stuff but if you go to "electrex world" and then go to the "technical" section, then click on regulator/rectifiers, you will have a step by step guide to battery charging probs.Site also shows step by step guides to resolving other problems and fitting other electrical products.
Bl%%dy Freezing
In Dunfermline,roads are a mess, dont think i'll be working the next couple of days supposed to be going to motherwell tomorrow but looking ouside, i doubt it.
Bl%%dy Freezing
Currently got about a foot of snow outside,its about -3, more snow expected tonight, i think winter has arrived,
- YOC patch
i replaced reg/rec and battery on my 535 a while back,had the same problem as yourself, turns out the battery was defective,one of the cells wouldn't charge.got a replacement from shop and a free couple of plugs .
Spark Plug Help
Hi, First post so here goes, looking for advice on plugs for 97 xv535, currently running "standard" ngk plugs, was wondering if changing to iridium would be beneficial or just a waste of extra cash Thanks for your opinions / advice in advance