Hi everybody, i've owned this for about 2 years now, it hardly ever gets ridden due to weather/job/time and various other reasons, i have been on a 2 week holiday recently so essentially the bike hasnt been able to stretch its legs for about 6 weeks (terrible i know)
A few days ago it was reluctant to start, took the spark plugs out, cleaned them and it was fine again
Yesterday was the same, took them out and cleaned again but it was alot more reluctant so i bump started it and let it run for a while
Today it is completely dead, spark plugs aren't sparking at all
The wiring and fuses look fine in the battery compartment, im no where near mechanically minded so i could only check the "easy bits"
I may add some fuel cleaner to it lately just to clear (if there is any) sludge and other nasty stuff laying in the tank and carb
After a bit of reading here and a few other sites it looks like its pointing to ignition coils, just wondering for a second opinion
Im a pretty confused on this one as it hasn't been moved or jolted or abused due to being somewhat regularly started, just not ridden.
Any suggestions at all is a huge help!
Many thanks