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  1. TSS posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hello my refurbished DT175MX is still giving mixture problems on low throttle settings causing a misfire type problem but opening the throttle cures it. I have carefully adjusted the carb. mixture screw and lowered the needle by one slot but to no avail. this machine was refurbished for trail racing and has a fast throttle fitted. Any advice would be welcomed.
  2. CRJ

    TSS posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello I have a lovely refurbished 1982 DT175MX in black that was re- built for Trail racing. It is petroil mix and starts very quickly. I have increased the front sprocket by 2 teeth for better road use. I would like to improve the silencing of this special bike can any member help?. If any one lives in NW Kent with a DT175MX it would be good to keep in touch. Regards CRJ