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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    yamaha rxs 100

    Hi Josh, Just so you know it's not done to put the same question all over the site, you will get a better response if you do an INTRO in the new member section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike?" question. We get a lot of one hit wonders on here and they NEVER say thank you so we are wary of peeps that only want info without at least saying "Hello" first, just saying.
  2. Sorry to hear that Laura, as Drewpy says it's the next day that it aches and all your bit's throb, good luck finding this dumbarse but don't fret over it, any accident you walk away from is experience.
  3. Look in the manual, it;s all there. Or if you don't have a manual, which you should have as a bare minimum, then try this, http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CC4QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyamahaclub.com%2Fforums%2Ftopic%2F27141-fazer-fzs600-suspension%2F&ei=482eVIG5FdHe7AbRpYDwDg&usg=AFQjCNEH3_swc--GhTAgCPkhIXhnLzihaA&bvm=bv.82001339,d.ZGU&cad=rja This is a different year to yours but they are more or less the same for suspension setup. Be nice if you did an intro in new members section when you get a moment (hint).
  4. Hi Andy welcome to the YOC Like the intro mate, hope you have fun doing up the XS.
  5. Thought you might like to watch this ? Just to give you an idea how good this "CHEAP" camera is.
  6. I have the TCL Full HD camera, cost a mere £100 odd quid and is much better than anything else I have tried, Gopro are nice but very expensive and to be honest if you bin the bike then your going to wreck the camera as well so chep is good as it's easy to replace and you don't have to worry about some scrote nicking it while your back is turned, as lassy says on your helmet is best as the bike always vibrates. Comes with a waterproof housing and loads of straps and sticky pads, so if you don't mind cheap and adequate picture quality then this might suit you as well. try watching this.
  7. Welcome home mate, the more the merrier, I passed my test in 1968 so been hanging around bikes for a long while but these new machines are a wonder compared to the old stuff, start first time get to where you want to go without falling to bit's and they are comfortable and compliant unlike some of the things that I used to ride. Take care out there as even the small cars can keep up with you now and keep that head swiveling. A+ on the intro.
  8. If you want to just drain the forks then take the top bolt off (mind the spring) then just tip it upside down & leave it for a few minutes to drain out, sometimes helps to pump the fork leg to get the last few dregs out.
  9. Ok just a query, did anyone know about the paper drivers licence being scrapped? Just read this in one of Drewpys posts, (actually I wandered through the site and found this by accident,) and thought you all might like to know about it. Do you know where the paper part of your driving licence is? Well, soon it won’t matter as the DVLA has now set a date for their abolition. From June 8 2015, the paper counterpart licences will no longer be valid and the authorities will cease to issue any more. The counterpart is currently used to keep a record of motoring convictions such as speeding. When you’re required to provide proof of licence, such as on track days, both parts of the licence are required. From June next year, the paper part will be ditched in favour of an online database much like the one now used for Vehicle Excise Duty (more commonly known as road tax). The DVLA announced they’d be scrapping the paper counterparts back in July with many assuming the change would come into effect from 01 January 2015. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR ME? Photocard Driving Licence Holders You will need to destroy your paper counterpart after June 8th 2015, although there’s probably nothing wrong with keeping hold of it as it can still be used to change the address on your licence. From this date your photocard will be the only valid part of your licence so it is important to keep this. Paper Driving Licence Holders (those issued before 1998) If you have a paper driving licence only (issued before 1998), you should keep hold of this as it will remain valid. However endorsements and penalty points will no longer be recorded on these licences from 8th June 2015 as the information will, as with photocard licence holders, be stored online. The next time you need to renew or change your licence, you’ll be issued with a photocard only. You can view a 'Beta test' version of the online database and check your details here. The full version of the site will launch closer to the abolition date next year. This copied from Bike Social website. Hope they don't mind !!
  10. Merry Christmas all hope you all get what you deserve !!
  11. No Mankini is for Foamy and it looks just as horrible as it sounds !!!!!
  12. Now all we want is for car drivers to have to do the same thing and some of us might live till the end of next year !!
  13. Yeah Mc like the scenery and both bikes, the RD looks good, you must be well pleased with it, nice job mate. Nice and warm here to almost 8 degrees today might get my swim suit on
  14. Hi Alistair and welcome to the YOC some folks on here from your neck of the woods so you should feel right at home mate.
  15. There is no primer and the bars are old ones from ebay and a bit bashed about, so rubbed down to where most of it is flat plus the odd bit of bare metal and then just a top coat to cover the remaining paint then a coat of lacquer to seal it over, it's not perfect and to be honest I could have done a better job but my thinking was "they are going to get scratched anyway" so not a problem if I have to paint them on a regular basis but it's the petrol that has ticked me off cos I was not expecting the paint to melt like ice in the sun at the first whiff of fumes or a few drops of fuel.
  16. I met him when I picked up the fairing, didn't I? Is that scarf warm Foams?
  17. Thanks meatloaf completely forgot about Taskys turds, well you would wouldn't you ?
  18. That is one sweet looking bike, wish you the best in getting it all finished.
  19. Hi Phil and welcome to the YOC well that beats the shit out of dynamite or ferrets doesn't it!
  20. Looked up Canbrush Tommy might give that a go, OB I have tried the Halford stuff and never had much luck with it, it seems to turn a milky colour when I try to apply it so not going there again but thanks anyway.
  21. Thanks both, Have tried the ProEX that's what came off ! but will try the 2 pack stuff Drewpy and see what happens.
  22. Just ask your Mum Girlfriend Wife if you can "just put the bike in the kitchen for a few minutes" so you can have some light to work on the bike, I bet you have a garage early in the new year, or are living on your own in a tent possibly
  23. Ok all quick question, is there such a thing as actual petrol (GAS) proof paint? I only ask as I have just painted my crash bars a (to me) nice red colour so they stand out and when messing with the carbs the last few weeks I managed to get fuel all over the blasted things, 10 minutes later I have bare metal and great big lumps of paint rolling off the bars, must add that I did wipe the petrol off as soon as I got it on them so not just left there for it to work it's magic! I also coated them with a "fuel proof" lacquer which I had left over from the XJ build, my fuel tank top is regularly dotted with fuel when I fill up and I just wipe it down with a paper towel and it's fine so why does my similar paint work just give up the ghost and die like Autumn (FALL) has arrived? I have tried Hammerite more crap and all the usual types of paint that you can get from most stores plus some stuff (XJ build) that was £21 a pint. Is it the fact that it is new and more prone to wear or do the Japanese use a magic formula that I can't find when they put the bikes together 20 odd years ago? Any and all thoughts gratefully received cos I'm buggered if I can figure this out.
  24. Well done Rafen nice one mate high 5s all round you just know that it's now going to snow so you can't get out on the bike
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