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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Security Mark

    Don't use it myself but I have heard that it can be worth it just to get your bike back plus it puts the shit heads off cos they can't sell the parts with the ID on it.
  2. Most cush drive dampers come out fairly easy unless they have been in there to long then they get a bit difficult to remove cos they distort. Usually the way to get them out is to take the wheel out then the drive side of the wheel is a lot of wiggling and swearing to get it apart, should just be a push fit, don't think any of the main manufacturers bolt them in, might be wrong about that but never had a problem getting them apart other than the above.
  3. Did they paint it "to look nice"? do you think. Might be the reason you had a leak, just guessing here but I would clean all that crap off before I rebuilt it. Does the old gasket have a sort of sealant or black paint finish?
  4. Just saying here Mc, but should that black paint ? on the head go all the way to the inside edge? cos it has me thinking that if you try to torque that down then your trying to set it on to paint ! Or is that the residue from the original gasket perhaps? Or God forbid someone sealed it with a liquid seal when they rebuilt it !
  5. slice

    Selling on ebay

    Noise, if you enter it under "parts" or "spares" then it will only list it in that category, make sure your in the vehicles section before you move out of the first part of the listing, sounds like you have selected the wrong section, when you say sell and select the item description then you get the option of either parts or vehicles, looks like this Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles Motorcycles & Scooters > Yamaha Hope that helps mate?
  6. slice

    Security Mark

    I would have said Datatag as well, I bought a fairing off of Foamy a few months ago and that had a dotted set of numbers as well, just assumed that was who it was. Foamy might know.
  7. Well I enjoyed that mate, just the sort of thing we all do when we're out and about, tho stopping for a bicylist is above and beyond. Nice quality video on your camera and you made me laugh
  8. Hi Tamara and welcome to the YOC , it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, just so we can get to know you as we get a lot of one hit wonders on here. You should be able to remove the bulbs from underneath the clock face, they are just a push fit so usually easy to get out if fiddly to get to, if the bulbs are ok then you need to check your fuses and see if the earth cables are tight and clean, try that first then come back if it still don't work.
  9. And a nice Krauser rack as well, you must be well pleased mate. A sweet looking ride.
  10. How the f++k do you keep your leg straight when you get on the bike? Sounds like your flat mate is a member of the Olympics team to me, I mean it's lower in the middle/front of the seat,isn't it? so you naturally put your knee over the lowest part, don't you? You have so got to video your flat mate doing this, actually that sounds a bit pervy but you know what I mean!
  11. Beautiful Noise, so who's the father?
  12. Think that's a given about the engine strip, if you have fuel in the oil then you have a leak down into the crankcase, might just be rings and a piston, others on here will know, loads like the DT. It's always best to do an INTRO in the new members section before you ask a "How do I fix my bike" question cos folks are wary of ONE HIT WONDERS who rarely say "Thank you" even bother to reply if you help them out. Just sayin!
  13. Congratulations to you both, sorry three of you, how nice another girl in the house Noise she will need a bike soon mate
  14. Oh dear, these people are actually walking around among the sane people? I'm sure there is a nice soft room somewhere for her to spend a little quality time.
  15. I heard this many years ago and stumbled across it by chance, made me laugh all over again PS Don't let your kid's/wife/husband hear this they might agree
  16. Ok then, so is there a leak in the carb inlet rubber? that can give you grief if there is air getting into the engine in front of the carb instead of behind the carb. Just trying some ideas out here not saying you haven't tried all of this and hope your not getting fed up with my suggestions one other thing is the gasket between the carb rubber and the head and carb rubber they can perish and also let in air thus not allowing pressure to build up enough inside the carb to draw the fuel in. Try spraying some "EASY START" over the carb rubber as you turn it over, that can also let you know if the rubber is cracked by the engine firing. Running out of ideas here (THANK GOD your saying)
  17. I know this is going to sound daft but are the valves actually opening? if the valve timing is out then that might be the problem, if the valve is opening at the wrong time then you will get a "chuff" from the engine but it won't run. If your getting brown staining on the plug then your getting fuel to the plug, ain't you? Just sayin!! PS you have timed the bike correctly haven't you? and not got the valve timing 180 deg out? it can happen.
  18. If he's selling it really cheap just buy the bike anyway !!
  19. Bippo I have NEVER laughed at someone honest enough to say they need help, it's the know it all dummies that I laugh at. Airhead will help you sort it, like all us older riders he likes the fact that youngsters want to get cold and wet while grinning like a maniac cos they are enjoying their ride.
  20. Have you sonicallly cleaned the carb? Most on here swear that this can get an old carb up and running but for myself I think there are times when the carb has just had it! Try soaking it in a pot of diesel or even petrol for a few days, that can get to the parts that sometimes are causing problems, most folks want a quick fix but sometimes you have to be patient and wait for time to go by before it actually cleans the crud out. DON'T soak it in carb cleaner tho as I have heard that it can actually eat the carb body away, bit like a tooth in Cola.
  21. Sorry Bipps to far away but would help if I could, someone will be along and help I'm sure.
  22. Well if you have a spare and the other one is not working what's to lose? All you can do is try it and see if it makes a difference.
  23. Sniper it might be an idea to go to the NEW MEMBERS section and do an intro, that way someone could have told you that this post is ' 4 ' years old and not likely to get a reply. Look at the header mate, last updated in September 2011.
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