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Everything posted by slice

  1. Look up GHOST RIDER on youtube.
  2. No checked that twice already just to make sure I wasn't being a tit! But a good idea never the less, thanks lads this, believe it or not, is really helpful.
  3. Genuine Yammie ones, oh my wallet!, hadn't thought abut the tang thingy will have a closer look tomorrow. Thanks lads.
  4. Yeah thanks both, tried the float test but did use water so will try the test in fuel. I think it's the needle not seating correctly but for the life of me can't see how to test that till it's all back together in the bike. The pump does start when you turn the ign on and then stops as the float bowls fill but when it's running it obviously keeps the fuel in the bowls topped off, so when it's on tick over it leaks but when you wring it's neck it don't?
  5. Ok folks time to ask for some help, I have had the carbs off of the FJ 3 times now, first time to change the float needle and seats/filters cos they were old and a bit worn out & dripped a bit, now the frigging things leak like anything, it's a right pain in the arse to take them off and so I'm trying to find out what I'm doing wrong. Bought new filters and seats plus needles and installed them as usual, checked the float height and finally figured out how to adjust them (thanks Mc) but now the damned things leak, I can't see what is wrong, checked the floats to see if they are tight, they are, no leaks. It has a fuel pump so it runs under pressure not a vacuum fuel tap like my old XJ. So my question is, WHAT am I missing? & why is the pigging thing leaking out through the overflow on carb number 4 and the central overflow pipe as well. Any advise is welcome at this moment up to and including setting fire to the bastard thing !!!
  6. Thought that those who had not seen it would appreciate this. By the way 299KPH is 186MPH
  7. Sorry but when you read "We expect this to be introduced on a VOLUNTARY basis" then you know they are pissing into the wind and just being seen to "Do something" Fiddling with the rules is NOT doing something it's counterproductive and lends itself to all sorts of abuses. Thank you Captf for the update.
  8. No Probs mate as long as it was of use to you. Yes get the multimeter out and see what it puts out if it's over 12volts direct then you should be golden on not having to change it.
  9. Try reading this mate. http://www.waterlooville-mcc.co.uk/6vor12v.html It might help you decide if you want to go ahead with the conversion.
  10. As above, not a problem really and anyone who wears a biker "patch" is a tit anyway.
  11. Bung it on YOUTUBE and see if the cops contact you otherwise forget it, sorry to say that this is becoming "normal" and why most car drivers think we are total arseholes.
  12. Thank you Dutch always some smart arse !!!
  13. Nice one mate, you will now be able to vlog at a hundred, bet you won't be sniffing then you'll be to frightened to twitch
  14. I hate to say this, no really I do, but there comes a time when it's just not worth the bother. If as you say the thing is in a right state then ask yourself what is it actually worth? then look around a see if you can get a better one and use the one you have for spares. I hate breaking bike for parts but sometimes you have to really look at the thing and say "it's not worth the trouble or expense" if everything is rusted and pitted then find another one that isn't.
  15. What's the old saying Mc "When in doubt DON'T"
  16. Yeah just bung stuff in and see if it works shall we, no honestly you need to measure everything and if anything is different then forget it as you will end up breaking something. If the crank weights are different then it's a sure bet that other stuff is different to. Similar is not the same as the same. I do wish you luck with it tho. How's the GT80 engine? would that fit complete?
  17. You usually have to hunt for the buggers, most are on the crank case near the bottom of the cylinder head but can be most anywhere that is difficult to get off, if you have plastic panels covering the bike then your going to have to get in there with a screw driver and look under them, best to start with the ones that are in the area that I suggested rather than just taking random bits off in the hope of stumbling upon it. I seem to remember that on the early scooters they could even be across the crank case / gearbox area.
  18. I this what it looks like? Cos I can't find a mono shock one, maybe someone modded it with parts from a DT50. .
  19. Yes as above, if you want a Harley sound then you need a Harley simple as that really. Remember that the Harley is OLD school ie tractor, the Yam is NEW school over square bore and stroke so you can't make them deep and roary as they are always going to be high revving and squirty bikes unlike the Harley which is all about torque and low down grunt.
  20. It's usually on the crank case somewhere. Try up near the cylinder head lower edges and around the upper part of the engine crankcase, not usually anywhere else as it makes it hard to change the engine number by the crooked bastards.
  21. That looks similar to the XJ750 tank, not to sure about the size difference tho, I have one in the garage if your interested.
  22. Art & Engineering, beautiful.
  23. Far as I know,from others, these are great old busses, strong engine reasonable brakes just the look is a bit old fashioned which some folks like! Buy it Mc, make a change from all those old rattly Yamaha's
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