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Everything posted by slice

  1. Not at all mate, the best way is to get yourself a compression tester but they are pretty expensive if your only going to use it once, so ask around your mates or their dad's and see if they might have one you can borrow or you can go to a tool hire shop and get one for about £20 a day. As I say they are a lot of money to just use on occasion but you can be lucky and pick one up off of EBAY for just a few quid. Come back and say how you got on would you.
  2. Check your compression, sounds like you have a worn barrel or piston rings, worst case is a hole in your piston. Just my opinion on the info you have given mind. Fuel usually runs down hill like most fluids so if you have petrol in your oil it has to be getting in from the top somewhere. It's also a good idea to do an INTRO in the new members section as most folks ignore those who don't do this.
  3. Not at all mate, you do what ever you think is best, have a fun time doing your own thing. (Quote) Fear is the mind killer, the little death, I will let it flow over and through me and when it is gone only I will remain. We thank you for sharing your time with us. Don't forget you owe us a pint?
  4. I had the XJ750 version of your bike, great for your commute I should think, the 900 is just as chuckable as the 600 all the weight is low down in the frame, so when your ready it will be time for one of those. If your face aches that will be the grin.
  5. Don't worry mate I will soon be back to talking drivel!
  6. Found this, is it any help in tracing the wiring to see if that might be the problem, (open source on the net) No copyright to this picture folks. Or this one maybe?
  7. Are there no pictures on the net of an original bike? Found this www.aircooledrdclub.com try these folks if that is of no use.
  8. Gibbois, this thread is 2 years old, start a new thread and let others add to it don't rake up old threads as they are done and dusted, unlikely anyone will bother to reply to an old thread, look at the time/date stamp BEFORE you add anything. I see this is your first message on the site, it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section, if you would that would be great, welcome to the YOC by the way and hope you stick around.
  9. Well your all full of cheer and good news ani't you! Take no notice of what happens to others, it's what happens to you, inside your own head is the place you get better from first, tell the cancer to "fuck off" then do what you want and then make like it's not happening. not easy and your afraid, well don't be, find something your interested in and keep busy, sitting around waiting for the men in black to turn up won't make you a happy person to live with. DO SOMETHING that you have always wanted to do but couldn't find time for and do it NOW!
  10. Enjoyed the vid mate, can I say one thing tho, without being nasty mind, you do very few "lifesavers" over the shoulder, don't just rely on your mirrors all the time, other than that it was nice to see the traffic disappear in your mirrors as you left the lights. it's not "just a 600" it's YOUR 600.
  11. Hi Dennis? Just to say that it's usual to do an INTRO before you as a "how do I fix my bike" question, then it might also be an idea to be friendly rather than just ask a question with no "HI" or "please" in it. Just sayin. One other thing you might try is to buy the manual for your bike, it's usually in there.
  12. You should be able to do it yourself, but be careful not to leave the bars loose, you should be able to undo the bar clamps and rotate the bars forwards or back then re-tighten them in your prefered position, if your unsure of what to do then go to your local bike shop and ask them to explain how it's done, most will be happy to help out. Also look in your work shop manual and see if they have a diagram that shows the steps you need to take, it's one of the easy jobs. Just had a think about this and Yes it's an easy job but not if you haven't done it before, what I meant was it's easy in the working on your bike sense but like anything you need to feel confidant in what your doing, so small steps, that way you will not bugger things up by trying to run before you can walk.
  13. I have no problem with cyclists, I always assume that they have a family waiting at home the same as me, it's the COMBAT cyclists I have difficulty with, they seem to want all the road and will take enormous risks to get through the smallest gap, a bit like learner bikers in many ways they fail to see the danger they put themselves in.
  14. Can that bloke come and TALK to my wife?
  15. Rapidgaz, if you look at the header you will see this is a 2013 post, might make more sense to open a new post rather then ressurect one from 2 years ago.
  16. Very nice mate, now all you have to do is learn to ride again !
  17. Just to let you kind people know I fixed the bastard !!! Took 4 more removals to find out what the hell was going on but finally got there. It seems that if your a complete tit and you DON'T look at what your doing you can trap the float with the float bowl and bend the tang that holds the float in position then when you try to start the bike it spits fuel out all over your boots, still I now have clean boots and a clean floor in the garage. Thanks again for your suggestions and of course it helps if the dumb arse your talking to isn't an idiot !!!
  18. If you want a long distance bike then you just rode it. Nice machines the goldwings and they hold their price reasonably well to. Not to be honest my cup of tea but each to their own, my XJ was a shaftie and I just loved the smooth ride it gave, my FJ on the other hand has the chain and it just boots your arse down the road. If your happy to pay the man his price buy it mate.
  19. OT mate I am so sorry to hear that. Don't despair what ever you do, I had terminal cancer 14 years ago and I'm still moving about all be it a it slower than I used to, I and all of us on here will be thinking of you and yours, please keep in touch as I know the value of friends when it comes to feeling wanted and appreciated. Stay safe and live long. Martin.
  20. Keep digging Tommy, soon you will have a hole big enough to hide in !!!
  21. Now that's a good thought, will have to ask the owners club how to test for that but not something that had occured to me, thanks.
  22. First off, sorry but I have to say this, what were you thinking? You can't just bung anything you like onto your bike, it can kill you if you get it wrong. You are going to have to go to your local bike shop and ask what they recommend you should fit, now it might be that you have no problem fitting the shocks you have but if you don't know YOU HAVE TO ASK before you fit them. It can alter the centre of gravity on your bike if you jack the rear end up and load the front wheel, this can lead to the front wheel becoming overloaded causing wear and a really slippy front to your bike. Glad you thought to ask about this as the next time we heard about you it could have been in the funeral section.
  23. Nothing wrong with CBT as such, I for instance got my first bike when I was 16 200cc Fanny "B" and then onto other more horrid Brit bikes but all over 200cc, the problem is that they make 125cc bikes that do 100mph+ now it does make you ask WTF are they thinking doing that.
  24. Thanks TONE, yes these ones were from Yammie UK so know they are the right thing. Paid £22 per carb X4 for the set inc gaskets and seals plus the needles and seat/filter.
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