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Everything posted by slice

  1. Foamy, your "works car park" covers about 25 square miles and has hangers the size of football fields, so saying your the same as Cally is like saying that bubonic plague is the same as a touch of the flu !!!
  2. Hi, Welcome to the YOC, your best bet is to put this question in the WORKSHOP section as this place is for INTROs not "how do I fix my bike" questions, but the clutch should be the lever on the left side of the bars. PS a photo will be much easier than a description.
  3. Hi ZZEF you sound like you'll fit right in mate, welcome to the YOC.
  4. slice

    xvs950 rebuild

    A little shed and a lot of skill go a long way, Sweet
  5. Hi Norm, welcome to the YOC.
  6. slice


    Ask Sacha or one of the others from over the pond they might have the info to hand, can't hurt to ask, and as far as DATING is concerned have you told your wife about this?
  7. Welcome to the YOC. Sounds like a good project.
  8. slice

    Centre stand mods.

    Now that's an Idea! Thank you, I will have another look, never thought of fiddling with the side stand as it makes the bike lean way to far over as it is. Nice one.
  9. You could cut the tank down Foams, chop the back off to shorten it and that would get rid of some of the rot in it. Then you could get at the inside and fix the holes, 2 for 1 if you do that. I have an old XJ tank in the garage needs paint but clean with no rust.
  10. Might just need an bit of fettling ( sorry that's "fiddling with") after any time being left bikes can be a cow to get back on the road, usually it's fuel - air or ignition that cause the most problems and yours sounds like it might be a combination of them all, try setting the bike up to the factory specs then work from there as it's easiest to start from a known quantity rather than just hitting stuff till it runs Concentrate on the things that make it go not on stuff that you can add later, for instance no point buying new handle bars and grips if the thing won't run same with anything else really only fix the important things first tart it up later when you have it sorted. Good luck and come back and let us know how your doing.
  11. It is sad but for every one that rots away the good ones become more desirable, just think Foamys bikes will be worth a mint when he's 400 years old
  12. slice

    Centre stand mods.

    Yeah I had thought of that but was really trying to think of a way to cut the stand down that means I would not have to explain a piece of 4X2 in my pocket if I get stopped
  13. slice

    Centre stand mods.

    That's a good idea, but it's when I'm out that it's really a problem, the garage I can just about manage but road side it's bloody difficult. Thanks tho will try the bit of wood idea.
  14. Just a quick question folks, on the FJ I have the standard centre stand it's ok but you really have to haul the bike up and over the tipping point to get it on the stand, now I have a back injury which means that it hurts when I try to lift the thing, I can do it but it's uncomfortable, so my query is, can I chop a lump out of the uprights to bring the tipping point lower down, so that I can more or less roll the bike onto the stand rather than lift it on. There are 2 ways I'm thinking of doing it, one is to chop out the centre of the stand by about an inch then re-weld the 2 halves together, two is to chop the foot part off and then weld 2 new plates onto the stand feet, there is not a lot of free metal at the bottom as it's all part of the mechanism where you stand on the lever to get it to operate so not the best way I think. Side stand is ok but not ideal as an every day all day thing. Can I instead of any of this extend the lever that you use to get the bike on the stand outward and make it longer so giving me a better lever action thus using my weight rather than my back to get it on to the stand? Any advice would be great fellas as it's about the only thing on the bike that I struggle with.
  15. Hi Ben, why would you not be welcome? most of us have broken a bike at one time or another sometimes just because we can't get the parts anymore. Welcome to the YOC and look forward to seeing the build thread. You have to be a paid member to use the "for sale" section I think, but it's only £10 a year so not a lot if you can offload some parts.
  16. Looking at Touts post I would go with the "drill the centre out" method he suggested, makes a lot of sense.
  17. slice

    Project Jennifer

    These were the bike to have back in the 70s, nice find Noise, the only thing that was a real worry on them was the flex in the forks on bumpy ground, if you want to know what that looks like watch "EASY RIDER" near the end going down a flat but roly road & cornering is a bitch, but would I ride another one, OH YES bring it on. Look forward to the workshop thread mate.
  18. So your back Drewpy, the other person posting good vid's has given up, this made my eye's ache.
  19. Hi, sorry to say there is just not enough info here to say what might be the problem, at best it would be a wild guess as to the cause of your problem. How long has it been stood? Have you got fresh fuel in it? have you changed the filters? and so on forever I'm afraid. Try listing the things you have repaired or replaced and from that we might get an idea of what else you need to do, even then it's all best guess time. By the way it's usually polite to do an INTRO in the "new members" section before you do a "how do I fix my bike" question, so if you would do that next it would be appreciated. Welcome to the YOC mate.
  20. Metzler are good mileage tyres and so are Pirellis, I have the Pirelli on the rear of my bike right now and it has about 5K on it and no appreciable wear to speak of which is amazing considering it's got all that horse power going through it.
  21. Thank you Tommy, looks like I've been outed
  22. Yeah as above, why is the sun shining it should be pissing down with rain. Great photos Mc looks like you had a good day.
  23. Cut it in half if it was mine & repack the wadding at the back end to keep the rasp out of the noise it makes.
  24. slice

    Solar Eclipse

    Yeah as above, pretty underwhelming really, thought it was going to rain and me just off to the MOT shop, still turned out nice in the end and got to ride in the sunshine.
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