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Everything posted by slice

  1. Where do you keep the bike, in that top box? And it's got the smallest engine I have ever seen or not as the case may be. Still looks better than the rusty lump it first was, well done you. Funnily enough I was going to say why don't you park it with the side stand outward (into) the road that way the tyre size will not be a problem, your using the camber of the road then.
  2. Name: Yamaha FJR1300 (2001) Date Added: 10 May 2015 - 04:56 PM Owner: slice Short Description: Shaft drive fully faired tourer. View Vehicle
  3. Yes that makes perfect sense and you should be fine with raising the tooth count on your bike but even if you go for 1 or 2 more teeth on the sprockets your going to be revving the nuts off of your bike, it might seem an easy out to get better acceleration by fiddling with the gearing but it was designed to work in a certain way but it will work best at it's optimum gearing ie what you have now. I know it's not what you want to hear but leave well enough alone cos fiddling with it will make the bike less than it is now, 50mph isn't much I know but it's better than walking or catching a bus. Your not too heavy for it and your not in the "STUPID" age range so patience is your friend, stick it out till you get another bigger bike and use this one to learn to survive, it might seem tame now but even at 50 it hurts like a bastard when you get it wrong.
  4. You can change the sprocket, if you go smaller you get better top speed and less acceleration if you go bigger you get better acceleration and less top speed. Bit of a trade off but easy to do, as for "how fast will my bike go" it's a 125 so your about at the limit, you could lose weight take the junk out of your pockets or strip everything you don't need off of it to get a few more MPH but really how fast do you want to go on a 125? We have had loads of folks on here who want to get really high MPH out of their bikes and we always tell them the same thing, pass your test and get a bigger bike, the reason is simple if you thrash the shit out of your bike till it's screaming in agony it will blow up, not straight away and it might even last a few weeks but it will destroy itself eventually, no matter how much you spend or how good you are at maintenance it has a limit and if you pass it your gonna be stuck at the side of the road waiting for a big yellow truck. If your in the 16 to 20 year old age range then your going to ignore me and say I don't know what I'm talking about and you know best, ok fine by me but most of us on here have been where you are now and from personal experience I can say treat your bike with respect, accept it for what it is and deal with the bike as a whole, don't try to "improve" it, cos if Yamaha could make a cheap 125 that would do 100+ MPH they would.
  5. slice

    thunderace query

    Maybe the PO had an extra bolted to it and when he traded it he kept it? Oil temp gauge or something. As long as it don't leak of fart air out of the hole leave well enough alone.
  6. As above, then MORE shit happens, don't worry mate it can get worse !!
  7. slice

    xvs950 rebuild

    Glad you both had fun, looking forward to the vid.
  8. OK give me back my 2mins and 3 seconds NOW!! WTF was that !!!
  9. Hi Adrian and welcome to the YOC and back to the world of biking, take care out there mate the BMW/AUDI drivers are the ones to watch out for, muppets think just cos they spend shed loads of money on their ride they own the bleeding road. You still need steel in your boots if you buy an old Triumph or BSA but like you I now enjoy just pushing a button and riding away.
  10. Yeah as above buy a BIG FRIGGIN padlock and chain it to something.
  11. Looks a smart bike, you must be well pleased with it.
  12. That looks like a fun bike to ride Mc, the only thing is tho that those shorts & T shirt are no where near enough cover, road rash is not a fun way to spend a few hours in casualty, the last one I had was a few years ago and I had to scrub the dirt out with a nail brush, the poor sod was only touching the stretcher with the top of his head and his heels & he had a very inventive turn of phrase that started with "YOU BASTARD" and went on from there an hour later he was my best bud but don't think he was ever going to forgive me for the pain I put him through.
  13. I've been retired for 12 years mate, you just wait there won't be enough hours in the day to do the things you want to do. We will have to meet and go for a run. As I used to live in Woking it might be nice to see the old place again as well. PS that makes me a Bastard as well Drewpy
  14. Ah yes the piccies, well to tell the truth I had the camera strapped to my helmet and had every intention of both video and pictures to record my first ride but I forgot all about it, sorry no pics of the ride home but soon some of the bike now it's had a clean and polish.
  15. Just so I know you understand, is "similar" the same as "the same"? Cos if there are even the smallest differences your going to spend a lot of money and time building a self destructing engine. Not saying you can't do it, lot's of folks have great ideas and carry them out with skill and flare, but is engine building one of your skills? Cos this is NOT engine rebuilding, which is easy, this is engine building which isn't. Good luck and hope you put up a thread to either make us all jealous or warn others NOT to try this in the future.
  16. No didn't disregard his advice just didn't realise how bloody fast it was going, it was only when I looked down and saw 140 that it occurred to me that I was passing stuff like they were stood still. I am going to have to learn how to ride with one eye on the road and one on the speedo. But I have to say that if I had smiled much more the top of my head would have fallen off
  17. Cally that's brilliant mate. You must be well chuffed.
  18. slice

    Fzr speedo

    If I read this right your saying that the speed your doing is faster than indicated on the dials, is that correct? If that is right then the best thing you can do is get a mate to drive infront of you at 30/40/50/60/70 and see what your clocks say, it's cheaper than going to a Dyno to get it checked. Course all this might be in vain as you were not talking about your speedo and dials at all. Or, it might be that your asking about the Rev counter ? And that is not reading correctly with the perceived engine speed your getting, so what you might be saying is that when you rev the engine it rev's up but the needle on the counter does not move as much as you think it should nor does it match the speed your doing. Is that the question?
  19. slice

    Seat Cover

    Chris you could probably pick one up from ebay or just google it and pick one from the list. You could also buy yourself a good electric stapler and do it yourself for far less than the price someone else would charge, I just did mine on the FJ and although it don't look professional it does the job and you can't see underneath it anyway once it's done. A professional seat repairer can charge a large amount of money to do a job that most folks can do in their shed with a bit of patience and 2 cups of tea, Look on Youtube for inspiration and ideas about how to refit your old seat cover there are loads of guys who have done it themselves and the results tho mixed are impressive.
  20. Well if there are none out there it looks like you will have to do something like Airhead suggested, there are folks out there who can build you a loom but not cheap, if you even have a good idea of how to put a loom together in the shed your still going to have to source all the plug connectors and stuff plus the right wire colour codes and even a decent wrapping tape can take some finding, might just be easier and less hassle to pay for it to be done professionally. Sorry no one can be more helpful but sometimes you have to just pay the going rate and suck it up.
  21. I picked up a cheap old loom from ebay a few years ago, is there none on there at all, even a dead rough one would give you a start. Shouldn't cost more than a few quid.
  22. Well back safe and sound, this thing is a rocket, bloody hell, 140 before I knew it and gave me the fright of my life when I looked down, I can say that you can swallow the entire seat up your arse when you see that. now to get a few small things done and I'm off for more adventures.
  23. If the lights come on automatically then I would say it's a US one but not absolute proof is it? How about you check with Yamaha UK they have all the info on all the bikes they ever produced and I have heard they are very good at helping out but sloooooow to send the info.
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