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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Which bike next?

    I think you both did very well when you think it's about shopping and your girls . Other than that well done Katie glad you found a bike you like. Have fun.
  2. Hi Richard, Welcome to the YOC.
  3. slice

    Which bike next?

    This should tell you something, most guys write a line, Bippo writes a book !! Oh and SHOPPING "Oooh new bike time" says it all really. Did like the write up tho Bipps.
  4. Have to agree with Cynic here, the pump gives you the right amount of oil that the engine needs, premix is ok but slow running it's to much and fast running it's to little, you can add more oil to keep it lubed for high speed stuff but your plugs are going to look like you dragged them through a field of dirt after no time and that's going to affect the starting. Stick with the pump is best, after all that's what it's for!
  5. Not saying it doesn't happen just you must be aware that if the Insurance companies do test your bike after an incident then your up the creek. I used to ride to school when I was 14 and never even had a licence let alone insurance so who am I to throw stones? Just making a comment on what was being said not trying to be a smart arse, thought it was best to have out out there.
  6. So if from what I'm reading you are over the stock and legal HP for your bike then you also have NO INSURANCE cos if you ride outside the legal limits then your insurance will be invalid.
  7. Nothing a tin of T-CUT won't polish out Dutch.
  8. On here we have had some ludicrous claims for speeds from 125s, one muppet even claimed he had 100+ out of his, needless to say he got laughed at a lot. You have to remember it is only a little bike and has a lump (no disrespect intended) sat on it plus wind resistance all of which gangs up on the bike to make it struggle up to 70mph, which by the way is bloody fantastic when you think about it, don't know why it won't rev past 8K but bet it's so that the engine does not self destruct. Some lads on here have similar bikes to you and they really like this little bike and use it to learn how to ride before they go on to take their test and buy a bigger CC bike, the point I'm trying to make is that you can throw loads of cash at these little bikes and maybe add 10 or 15MPH to the top end but they are designed to go only so fast, if you reach the point where your doing more than the design was intended for you going to be buying a new engine every few weeks. Save your money and pass the test, buy a bigger bike and pass yours on (in the original condition) to the next guy to do the same.
  9. Is this in the street or on land that the scrotes can't get to? You will need something that breathes as well cos condensation will rot it in no time if your not running it.
  10. As above really, that only leaves you with the other 2 wires and so I would just temp connect them and see which way round works.
  11. I had the same with my FJ, a right bastard to get off, as long as you have the 2 front and 2 rear small nuts off and the head bolts are undone then it can only be the head hanging onto the studs, you could try putting the plugs back in and turn the engine over on the starter but be aware that you could blow the head off if your a bit over enthusiastic, worked for me on the FJ but I only dabbed at the starter to rotate the engine 1/2 a turn at a time, sounds brutal but the only other way is hit it with bigger and bigger hammers till it moves, not really recommended. Make sure you have the cam chain loose as well. Other than that it's ask DOC at the FJ owners club what he might recommend if your a member that is! PS your right that it can also loosen the base of the barrels as well so you just have to take a chance on that. FJ Owners Club, Ivy Cottage, Cromhall, Wotton-U-Edge, Glos GL12 8AR ; Tel 01454 299325 ; [email protected]
  12. slice

    Free Windows 10

    Reserved mine Grouch, if nothing else you will have the latest in a long line of O/S from M/Soft, I have Win 7 Ultimate on my machine and truly hate windows 8.1 but this new one should be a much better prospect.
  13. No it will charge but slowly due to your not whacking the shit out of your engine, as above if you use 7amps then it will be ok but you will not get a full 7 amps in return all the time cos your bike only puts out 9amps at 5K with V14 volts, that's about max for most bikes even the big ones, my FJ puts out 14.5 volts at 3K. Wait till Monday and buy the right one then you'll be ok for another couple of years.
  14. Nice one Tout, bet your grinning now.
  15. That's a smart solution Tommy, only real problem is if you get good offers on BOTH then you have no ride at all !!!
  16. That would probably be the MAX output your bike is capable of Andrew, not sure you want to run it flat out all the time. You really want the average that your bike puts out not max or min.
  17. Is this what your hearing? Cos this is a NIGHTJAR. https://youtu.be/UOAGUfBFcvM Or it could be an owl, here's some. https://youtu.be/ezaBqCf0hv0
  18. Yes it's important but you should just be able to google it and find the right one, then you can decide to buy the standard lead acid type or the new gel type or even the LiON type if your feeling flush. found this in about 2 minutes and loads more as well http://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=l&ai=C7nDJI4NoVcXnCsGfywP5rILADJu3kP0Fy5C_h4kBsfiWq-gBCAYQASgCYLuGgIDQCqAB26uJ7gPIAQepAr4bcVqOnbk-qgQnT9CulvconG4l2I1lwhd3mAeu8-sVLVBk2TJWyC5OV1mri4DFm13-wAUFoAYmgAeN1PYRkAcDqAemvhuoB5PCG6gHlMIb2AcB4BL37uemgNzO7xs&sig=AOD64_3yBtjCJAt6xX--tGKosMUy7aXIGA&ctype=5&rct=j&q=&ved=0CHoQ9A4&adurl=http://www.allbatteries.co.uk/motorbike-battery/yamaha/125/xv-125-virago-4rs/1997-2001-mot068.html%3Futm_source%3DGoogleProductSearch%26utm_medium%3Dcomparator%26utm_campaign%3DGPS
  19. :biglaugha: Thanks Jimmy made me laugh out loud !!
  20. As above, sounds like fuelling to me but if your sure then it has to be a mechanical/electrical fault, you could be months tracking it down, I do not envy you. I once heard a story of a lady who complained of a strange noise in her car but it never seemed to be constant, at least not till she found her son taking the marbles out of the rear ash tray.
  21. Hi Don, welcome to the YOC, I have the FJR and an FJ nice to have another rocket ship pilot onboard.
  22. Buy the manual FIRST before you fork out on parts. All the info you need is in there you can then answer most of your own questions.
  23. Yep hedgehog, got to be really I have 2 that live in the garden and when they get a bit frisky (ones a boy ones a girl) it can get LOUD.
  24. These are not off of your bike but tell you where the float is and the hole that takes the float needle and where the tang on the float is, all bike carbs are enough the same that it should give you some idea of what to adjust.
  25. slice

    900 diversion

    Sorry to hear that, you must be well gutted. But I suppose it comes to us all in the end, my best advice would be to look on ebay and any other site out there and price yours on what's available, don't matter if you have spent a million quid on it, if it's only worth £500 that's all you will get I'm afraid. It is after all coming up to it's 30th birthday so you might get a classic nut who just has to have it but there are loads out there to choose from. You could part it out and make what you can but that takes time and patience, you have to make the choice yourself as to the best thing to do. Good luck and sorry to see you go come back and say Hi now and then if only to laugh at Grouch !!
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