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Everything posted by slice

  1. Welcome to the world Ben, so your looking for a bike then Meat?
  2. slice


    Yep I'm going to look odd in 6ft trousers
  3. slice

    Sold the FJ.

    Yeah DT, figured with all of the 2T wallas on here I might get to finally play with the rest of the "in crowd" plus I haven't had a 2T for near on 45 years, my last was a Fanny B I think. Similar to this one.
  4. Ha Ha Ha !!! Not just me then?
  5. Being a cheap bastard I do like the pound shop, got engine degreased using their oven cleaner, much cheaper than the proper stuff.
  6. slice

    Sold the FJ.

    Just to say I have sold the FJ, met a nice guy while I was down at the FJ owners club who said he was interested and lo and behold turned up today and bought it. I shall really miss my old tank , got my asking price and so looking for something else now. A 125 or 250 2T would do nicely just for a bit of a project so if you hear of anything that might suit give me a shout, don't mind even if it's a basket case as I have plenty of time to fettle with oily bit's.
  7. Your gunna need dark glasses when the sun shines Mc, those panels are shiny, they did a nice job.
  8. Hi and welcome to the YOC,few drag queens on here and they will know "how to" on your bike.
  9. slice

    Big bike time!

    Sweet bike DT, do love that yellow. Don't get the 750 at least not right off the back of a 125 !!!
  10. Is the exhaust a Yam one or an after market one? If Yam then you might be able to get one from them but best be sitting down when you get told the price !!! After market ones are the same really just look at the can and see who the maker is (should be written/embossed on the side) and give them a call, best of luck anyway bet it wakes the neighbours now tho
  11. Have you had the carb off? This is the best way to find out what's going on, it might not be the "fast idle" at all have you checked the diaphragm ? Is the slow running jet blocked? All this info should be in the manual. A Haynes manual for your bike should cost no more than £20 odd quid or an old one from ebay even less.
  12. slice

    Big bike time!

    Buying a bike is all about personal choice, we can tell you how great a bike is then when you sit on one your thinking "what the fuck were they on about?" Which can be good or bad, if you like the Suzuki more than the Yam then buy what you like. All bike exhausts are expensive, it seems to be no matter what bike you have half the price is for the exhaust, 2nd hand bikes are best in some ways as you can buy your bike with all the bit's you want on it for a bit more money than a standard one. As for how expensive are they to own & run? If you do your own servicing then you will only need the parts prices to decide, if you get your bike maintained by a workshop then cheap is not always best. Hope some of that helps?
  13. slice

    Waterles coolant?

    Thanks Cynic, there's the problem in a nut shell really, is there any point?
  14. Just a quick query, has anyone used this stuff? As I now have the FJR and want to keep it in the best condition I can I was considering using this stuff but don't know enough about it to make a decision. Any thoughts on it would be appreciated. Oh and one other thing it is an expensive option but does last (they say) about 20 years plus it has no corrosion in the engine thus keeping it free from the usual crud that builds up over time even with the best anti-freeze.
  15. As above really, you might like to soak it with a good detergent first to soften the crud up then a fine brush and LOT'S of patience.
  16. Might just be that it was slightly over filled and venting excess fluid when it got hot, you should check the level, my best guess anyway. Oh and check the radiator to see it's not got anything over the fins that might make it overheat, mud and road crap can build up over time.
  17. So if you fart on every bump you'll be fine Drewp!
  18. Your not riding within the terms of your licence ie your bike has more than the permitted Horse Power, so that makes your insurance invalid due to it being more than the permitted amount. If your uncertain phone your Insurance company and ask them, they will tell you what your allowed to do and what your not allowed, DON'T say your have done this, otherwise look it up on the net, what does your licence say your allowed to ride (probably best really) if your in any doubt then come back and paste the blurb on here and someone will be able to decipher it for you, pretty complicated most of these things and sometimes they can contradict each other.
  19. That means you have an OLOGY, never a bad day when you have one of those.
  20. If you do this then what makes you think that they won't look? Plus any mods on your bike will be particularly scrutinised by the Ins company if you have to make a claim, for instance if you bin it and it's a write off they take the bike away and have it independently checked by an approved repairer, they will spot it cos it's what they do all day every day, then when they tell the company what they have found your claim is not only refused but they will come after you for fraud and the cops will come and visit all for the sake of getting to 70 a bit faster, it's a no brainer really, ride your bike as is, take your test and get a bigger one. Or ignore this and take a chance. We don't think your wrong, after all most of us mod our bikes in one way or another, but the difference is we have a full licence and don't try to do wheelies down the high street anymore, well not often anyway. Plus even if your in the right (running with restriction on) and someone knocks you off the fact you have the mod on your bike means your NOT insured as your licence is invalid due to the mod.
  21. Should be this one 11Ah. http://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=l&ai=CoKZfuTZ0VZ-bOYHL7QbEi4KIBJu3kP0Fy5C_h4kBsfiWq-gBCAkQAiDezc8eKAVgu9a9g9AKoAHbq4nuA8gBB6kCfOpvQWqeuT6qBCdP0AhiIIXCMW_6Ix8ykSs5OvJ1aREIKD0G71791K4bbV1bi3NyIDTABQWgBiaAB43U9hGQBwOoB6a-G6gHk8IbqAeUwhvYBwHgEvfu56aA3M7vGw&sig=AOD64_2stTISTAAI9TI4g6OUz1ZdsYAJ9Q&adurl=http://www.allbatteries.co.uk/motorbike-battery/yamaha/125/xv-125-virago-4rs/1997-2001-mot068.html%3Futm_source%3DGoogleProductSearch%26utm_medium%3Dcomparator%26utm_campaign%3DGPS&ctype=5&rct=j&q=&ved=0CBAQsEM&ei=uTZ0Vd6qN7OQ7AbBrYLwBA
  22. Price for fitting would be a guess at best cos it depends where you are in the UK, down SAFF it will cost more than oop Nrth (sorry) your best bet is to go and ask your local bike shop.
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