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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Its too hot

    Out on the bike in the afternoon, just great all the vents open on my jacket & crash hat and the summer gloves on, what can be better than that?
  2. Hi, Just to say that it's polite to intro yourself in the New Members section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, we're pleased your here and hope you stick around. I would suggest that you talk to your local Yamaha dealer as they will have all the info you need or failing that just Google it, got to be some other folks who have bought a bike that's to big for them.
  3. I have the disabled badge and you should see the looks I get when they see me get off of the bike in one of those bays, I use a walking stick by the way and can't walk long distances so I use it. But the times I see perfectly able peeps using bays is getting more and more common, and God forbid you say "excuse me" do you have a badge?
  4. That's what this site is for, let others know how good/bad something is.
  5. Should have got a photo Meat, wanted one of those (250) back in 1968 when they were still new the Indian one is better and more refined.
  6. That looks a fine piece of kit, as long as your not doing 100mph up the high street it will do all that you need and keep you cool(ish), sometimes a £50 jacket is perfect.
  7. Anything that might be "copyrighted" will attract a whopping great fine from the owner and Alex will not be happy (site owner).
  8. That must have rattled like a bastard, as above, out with your file and have at it, you could see what it would cost the fill the tracks with new material and then file it back to original, if you know someone with a welder and the skill to lay down a descent seam then you could get it back to original.
  9. It's usually NOT a good idea to add you phone number to a post, if you want to get in touch then PM the member.
  10. Yeah, thanks for the info, really helpful glad you could join us.
  11. Well done you. It only takes an minute to help out and you have the benefit of a new friend!
  12. Well what do you know he's good for something after all !!
  13. Now that is really clever Lassy. Fun to watch as well.
  14. Or just tape the clutch lever back against the bars and leave it over night can work to.
  15. slice

    Site changed

    Ok finally found how to log on, Alex seems to be on top of it but a bit strange to go away on holiday and come back to this! Emoticons have vanished, at least I have found them but can't figure out how to see them all (any one?) has found them don't bother FFS!
  16. slice

    Sold the FJ.

    No, but been told you have to remove the rear suspension to get the battery out, who the f**k thought that was a good idea?
  17. Hi and welcome to the YOC, yeah pictures are a must really.
  18. slice

    Sold the FJ.

    Well bike went this morning (Sunday) really shall miss the tank. still now got some money to buy another one !! Wonder what will be next? Seen a TDM that someone wants to sell so that might suit also my neighbour has a 1933 DKW that is in bit's in his garage.
  19. That is beautiful Mc, if your not chuffed you should be. I bet you have to reach down deep in your pockets now to find any money but worth all the effort
  20. Well done Grouch, another 30 years and you will be answering questions on here.
  21. I have to be honest Meat, Tasky seems to have a point, yours has the blingy bits and this one don't, if you can see a difference then share it with us! Is it just cos it's newer or are you just in need of a change?
  22. Well sorry to hear that, bloody hell when it rains it pours as they say. Your insurance covers you for "accidents" not mechanical breakdowns, never has and never will I'm afraid. Your best bet is to use the net to find the parts yourself and even fit them cos half or more of that bill you got was labour. Look on EBAY and GUMTREE to see if their are any bikes like yours for sale that you can cannibalise or just look for the parts you need rather than a whole bike, would work out much cheaper than buying new from Yamaha, just as an aside I have just replaced the plastic retainers that hold the panels on my bike, Yamaha price is £6 each my local car factors I got 10 for a pound, exact same thing!
  23. Daylight MOT Regs. A daylight MOT would require a motorbike to have a horn and a rear registration plate. The testing guidelines state that motorbikes can be exempt from having lamps tested if they meet the following criteria:- machines which have neither front nor rear position lamps, or have such lamps permanently disconnected, painted over or masked that are:- only used in daylight hours not used in times of serious reduced visibility The following items/lamps are not required to be tested in order for a MOT to pass a daylight MOT test as long as they meet the criteria above. Front and Rear position lamps Headlamps Stop Lamps Rear Reflectors Direction Indicators VOSA can only advise on MOT standards queries. For information on the legal requirements you will need to address your enquiry to the Department for Transport, as they deal with the Construction and Use Regulations and Road Law. The Department for Transport can be telephoned on 0300 330 3000, or you can visit their website at www.dft.gov.uk for further contact information.
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