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Everything posted by slice

  1. Have you thought of asking a professional this question? It's not that someone on here might know the answer but really this is the sort of question only someone who does this for a living would know. Most of these heads look the same but they really aren't, you only need to be 1 mill out and your going to fuck both engines for nothing, plus the fuel injection will run off of the ECU on the R6 not the Thundercat and if they are not the same then your on a hiding to nothing cos the timing is everything on these bikes not just firing order but fuel and air are just as important, I should try your local Yam dealer workshop and see what they say, stand well back when you do to allow for people rolling round on the floor laughing (just kidding) otherwise try an R6 or Thundercat owners site.
  2. We all make mistakes I know but what the hell was he doing? It's not like the bike is invisible is it and he took an awful lot of turning to get round that corner. I'm sorry to say but some folks should not be driving anything let alone 15 ton of flat bed truck.
  3. Hi Peach, first things first, it's usual to say Hello in the new members section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, having said that there are usually other signs that your bike has been raced professionally, the most obvious ones are that nearly all the bolts will have been drilled and wired to stop bits falling off of it during a race, if you look close do your nuts and bolts have drill holes in them? It should be pretty obvious and if they do that tells you that it almost certainly has been a track bike at some time in it's life. They are usually modded to the point that they are never a good road bike, cos they are cut and chopped to make the most of short sharp races and not long haul everyday riding, if your going to use it for an everyday ride then your going to need to fiddle with it on a regular basis (every day or so) cos they are real princesses and need lots of attention, hope some of that helps? I have no idea what the markings on the barrels mean but at a guess I would say that they are "specials" made to fit that bike only and would have cost an arm and a leg to produce, you might even find that you have the only one of it's kind and that on any bike is is not a good thing cos when you need to repair or replace anything it's going to be a one off. Did find this, it might be of use or not but it seems to be pointing in the right direction http://www.proamracing.com/site_map.html Also found this for the M GOODING part of your question http://www.sump-publishing.co.uk/index.htm
  4. slice

    Rape Alarms

    I did hear a story about a guy who had a metal post sunk into the ground and a chain attached to his bike with 4 inch shackles to keep it safe, he also had it under his bedroom window with the alarm on and at least 2 other locks attached, when he woke up the buggers had nicked his bike by digging the post out of the ground.
  5. slice

    New bike

    I like this one Meat Tho having a trombone on the side of your bike could be a problem
  6. They look fairly standard to be honest, if the adjusters on the bottom ends screw right off then you will be able to get the things apart, your guys are just being difficult ie it will cost you more cos they are non-standard approach. As long as you can get the things wound down to their lowest settings before you tackle them you should be fine getting them apart, I used a pair of car spring clamps that I have adapted to fit inside the springs to get mine apart, it's really not brain surgery after all cos if someone can put them together then someone else can take them apart and making noises about how difficult it's going to be is just an excuse not to do the job. If your not sure then I suggest you don't do it but to be honest they look easy to get at and even a quick wipe down with an oily rag once they are apart will make them look much better.
  7. 154,000 Rand is just under 8 grand, so about 200 GB pounds each @ 40 bikes. Not a lot of money to be made on that price.
  8. Ok first bit of advice, sign in the NEW MEMBERS section and say "HELLO" cos folk have a problem with peeps that don't say Hi. Then check your wiring under the dash and round the head stock to see if you have any broken or loose wires but this has come up before and it usually means that the dash is toast, they do break and there are replacements on ebay and such, some of the guys on here have used other makes of dash for replacements so if you decide to sign in and want more info on what they used that would be great. Plus it helps if you fill in your details (country/flag/town and such) so folks know your not a one hit wonder.
  9. If they are like the usual ones then you need a pair of spring clamps and then wind them down till the top washer? with the slot in it is loose then you use pliers to remove that, take the compressors off and that's job done. DON'T use your fingers to take the washer out as the last time I did that it bit me, sore for days, should be easy if you have the slotted top washer. Part number 7 I think?
  10. Well done Dale sounds like a result, at least you have something to be going on with.
  11. Hi Dale, Welcome to the YOC.
  12. This thread is 7 years old, as you probably know, fosdyke has not been on the site since 2011 so if your waiting for an answer DON'T Right after you say "Hi" in the new members section post up your problem in the workshop and someone might remember the original fix to this problem or they might have some ideas on how to get it done. We get loads of "one hit wonders" on here so if you choose not to say hello then lots of folks on here will choose not to say anything to you. Imagine your down the pub and you see a group of folks talking, would you say Hi first or just start asking questions? The more of your profile you fill in as well can help with information, no idea who you are or where you are can put folks off from getting involved. All you have is the bike you ride, no town no flag no gender. Just sayin !
  13. As above really, the salient point being that we get the occasional "how do I get around the problem of having no key for my bike" question which is to say the least a bit suspect, we're not saying your not genuine but we can't take a chance on giving information to a one post member, for instance if Cynic were to ask this question most would assume he was kosher simply because he's been on here for a number of years and therefore gets the benefit of the doubt whereas you I'm afraid don't. Your ONLY recourse is to contact the DVLA or Yamaha UK and ask them to verify the authenticity of the bike or possibly the Customs and Excise and ask them if they have any record of the bike being imported into the UK from Africa.
  14. Hi George, as above, listen to Foamy he is all things DT50 tho I would wash the barrel if you buy it it's not in his bedroom wardrobe to keep it warm
  15. Welcome in mate, I'm 63 and I just love being 18 again. Only thing is it appears to hurt more when you hit the ground
  16. slice

    New bike

    Sweet ride old son, but who bolted 2 dustbins on the side instead of exhausts?
  17. I did wonder if I had got the wrong address, kept getting a blank screen but the faceache page was still up so that told me there was a problem, glad your all back.
  18. No Probs mate just pointing out that legal advise is really best left to the robbing bastards we call Solicitors. and your right, sometimes folks come up with really strange odds and ends of knowledge from the most unlikely sources, don't for one minute think I was criticising you for putting it up on here just thought it would be best to ask an expert. We like odd questions but as you can see not one of the others has ventured an idea, not cos they won't but probably cos they don't know. Hope you get it sorted and please if you do, bung it up on here for others to see they might just need it themselves one day. No knowledge is wasted if you share it.
  19. Welcome to the YOC, Just sold my FJ 3CV they are nice bikes if a bit heavy when ridden slow, but nothing can beat them when you open the throttle and watch the world go by. I assume that when your not bored we won't see much of you then? Just one question what does this mean "vin andencine start itx" as I see you want advice but don't understand the question! PS. NOT taking the piss I really don't understand the question you were asking!
  20. Did you pack it as hand luggage Foams? Just right for the airfield mate but your going to look a tit up the high street
  21. Sounds great and it can apparently pop it's wheel in the air
  22. Go on Mc you know you want to !
  23. Please don't be offended by this but this really is not the place for that type of info, you should be talking to a solicitor or a financial consultant about this as they will have far more knowledge than most if not all of us, someone on here might know something about it but I bet not many have even heard of a "Personal injury trust account" let alone how to set one up. Have you Googled a general search for this ? I found this in about 2 minutes of searching and there was loads more http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CFkQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moneysupermarket.com%2Fcommunity%2Fforums%2Ft%2Fpersonal-injury-trust-funds-savings-43391.aspx&ei=cv-UVfSMO8Gs7AbPuaXQAg&usg=AFQjCNEck-N7QBs3CNPGK1e7xfmjyfvqIg&bvm=bv.96952980,d.ZGU so my suggestion is ask a professional. Also found this for info only https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CE4QFjAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPersonal_injury_trust&ei=cv-UVfSMO8Gs7AbPuaXQAg&usg=AFQjCNEFryUR5_Xcrq_qwzBBZeytlzpdHw&bvm=bv.96952980,d.ZGU
  24. slice

    My poor butt...

    Captf, the FJ had a Tony Archer set on it, really comfy after the original log that they call a seat on the FJ, was going to get the gel seat option done still might on the FJR as I want to go to Portugal for the Moto GP. Tony Archer will reskin your seat and just charge for the gel pack and the time to refit your original seat cover, give them a call.
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